Holy smokes….

On many levels, I have considered a move there.  Other than the fact it is downwind from all the nuclear blasts on the silos there in eastern Montana….. And it is cold and dreary.  And it is….  okay forget it.  But it is a nice thought – actually being free.  Paying for your childrens’ education as you go, etc (or not at all for the homeschoolers out there who do double duty).

Here is the Judge Nap on the subject:


from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1UlVRVj


Holy smokes….

On many levels, I have considered a move there.  Other than the fact it is downwind from all the nuclear blasts on the silos there in eastern Montana….. And it is cold and dreary.  And it is….  okay forget it.  But it is a nice thought – actually being free.  Paying for your childrens’ education as you go, etc (or not at all for the homeschoolers out there who do double duty).

Here is the Judge Nap on the subject:
