This is great stuff:

I loved this quote from Elder Talmadge. Truly, His return must be almost upon us because the return of the 10 Tribes must be eminent!
James E. Talmage made this amazing prophecy in General Conference in Oct 1916 – “The ten tribes shall come; they are not lost unto the Lord; they shall be brought forth as hath been predicted; and I say unto you there are those now living—aye, some here present—who shall live to read the records of the Lost Tribes of Israel, which shall be made one with the record of the Jews, or the Holy Bible, and the record of the Nephites, or the Book of Mormon, even as the Lord hath predicted.”
In October 2016, this prophecy will have been given one hundred years ago. Presently, approximately 2% of the population lives to be one hundred. According to the Gerontology Research Group, there have only been 226 Americans that have ever lived to be 112 years old. Therefore, in order for Elder Talmage’s prophecy to be accurate, the return of the Lost Ten Tribes will not only happen in our day, but must be eminent!

 I believe that we are closer than any of us are ready to believe.

The changes to our planet and existing way of life will be more dramatic than the mind can comprehend.


This is great stuff:

I loved this quote from Elder Talmadge. Truly, His return must be almost upon us because the return of the 10 Tribes must be eminent!
James E. Talmage made this amazing prophecy in General Conference in Oct 1916 – “The ten tribes shall come; they are not lost unto the Lord; they shall be brought forth as hath been predicted; and I say unto you there are those now living—aye, some here present—who shall live to read the records of the Lost Tribes of Israel, which shall be made one with the record of the Jews, or the Holy Bible, and the record of the Nephites, or the Book of Mormon, even as the Lord hath predicted.”
In October 2016, this prophecy will have been given one hundred years ago. Presently, approximately 2% of the population lives to be one hundred. According to the Gerontology Research Group, there have only been 226 Americans that have ever lived to be 112 years old. Therefore, in order for Elder Talmage’s prophecy to be accurate, the return of the Lost Ten Tribes will not only happen in our day, but must be eminent!

 I believe that we are closer than any of us are ready to believe.

The changes to our planet and existing way of life will be more dramatic than the mind can comprehend.