This is one forlorn kid.  And he has been told he will be a leader.  One of the Elders who will rise up and save the Constitution as it hangs by a thread…..

It will be saved as it hangs by a thread when the sick SOBs running this show are all hanging by a large thread that I call rope……

Harry Reid, we are coming for you once the revolution starts – and if you happen to escape the rope in this life, I am personally coming for you after this life is over and we are going thru the review.  I know you really do NOT believe in any of this and your entire life as a “gospel doctrine” teacher is just a sham so you can impersonate and infiltrate into the heart of a bunch of gullible and trusting sheeple, but your day is coming, bro.  Wait for it, you corrupt sack of shiz……

Here is what got me spun up:

This vid needs to go viral.  If you can lend a hand, this kid needs HELP running a big ranch that the feral gubmint and harry’s henchmen want to wrest from them so harry can get his kickback from the solar farm deal with the Chinese.  Anyone ever wonder how a guy with a net worth of a few hundred thousand dollars becomes a perennial politician and then inflates that net worth to hundreds of millions of dollars??  It is called CORRUPTION!!  Wake up, people!

You are being deceived!!


This is one forlorn kid.  And he has been told he will be a leader.  One of the Elders who will rise up and save the Constitution as it hangs by a thread…..

It will be saved as it hangs by a thread when the sick SOBs running this show are all hanging by a large thread that I call rope……

Harry Reid, we are coming for you once the revolution starts – and if you happen to escape the rope in this life, I am personally coming for you after this life is over and we are going thru the review.  I know you really do NOT believe in any of this and your entire life as a “gospel doctrine” teacher is just a sham so you can impersonate and infiltrate into the heart of a bunch of gullible and trusting sheeple, but your day is coming, bro.  Wait for it, you corrupt sack of shiz……

Here is what got me spun up:

This vid needs to go viral.  If you can lend a hand, this kid needs HELP running a big ranch that the feral gubmint and harry’s henchmen want to wrest from them so harry can get his kickback from the solar farm deal with the Chinese.  Anyone ever wonder how a guy with a net worth of a few hundred thousand dollars becomes a perennial politician and then inflates that net worth to hundreds of millions of dollars??  It is called CORRUPTION!!  Wake up, people!

You are being deceived!!