Huma, huma……

I am not here to bash the lesbians.  I am here to point out that they typically hate what is good and right (you need to watch The View – if you are not certain) and want to pass laws that will hem conservatives in everywhere (affronting free speech and second amendment rights).

It is an open secret that these two have something going on and that Bill has an open marriage where he has “permission” to do “Monicas” whenever or where ever he wants while she can carry on her bi-sexual liaisons as she sees fit.  The perfect power couple – most likely how most DC politicians run their lives as we are finding out more and more with guys like Ted S cruz.

So, if you are wondering why I think we need God to allow the reset button to be hit on DC – this is what I am talking about.  When it comes to politics, it is often similar to that childrens’ song about ‘bringing home the baby bumble bee’.  You squish your sleazy opponent before he gets the chance to sting you – and no, I am NOT a bee killer unless it is wasps and hornets…. I do love most bees, and especially the fuzzy bumblers as I call them.  I digress – when it comes to the plans the elite ( and their goons like those on ex-mo sites and those who work for alphabit agencies who will not uphold the Constitution), they have plans to be part of the purging of those “Christian fundamentalists” who are a threat to the establishment.  You know, the ones who believe in families, God, basic God-given rights and who believe that rights are inherent from our Creator instead of the state; yeah, those guys……  Within a short time, those “bad guys” will be hunted from city to city – worse than in the old Mizzou days and then the Nauvoo days.  I have a buddy that I have given a Book of Mormon to at work.  Turns out, his cousins in another line are in Utah and one couple many generations back was sealed by Brigham in the parlor of his home in SLC right after the Saints came into the valley.  He called me to tell me over the weekend when his dad found out the news and relayed it to him.  I keep telling him all he needs is water – and he is good to go.  He has given up most of his vices – getting older has a way of doing that with intelligent people who know better.  So, that fellow found out about the Extermination Order of Lilburn Bogges and I said it was still on the books and perfectly legal to hunt a Mormon in the state of Misery up until a few decades ago.  That raised his eyebrows.  Yep, and I told him it is coming once again.  Hopefully, it did not “dampen” his desire to get dunked (if he has one at this point….).

Here is the huma, huma article…… Boric acid shower, here I come!


Huma, huma……

I am not here to bash the lesbians.  I am here to point out that they typically hate what is good and right (you need to watch The View – if you are not certain) and want to pass laws that will hem conservatives in everywhere (affronting free speech and second amendment rights).

It is an open secret that these two have something going on and that Bill has an open marriage where he has “permission” to do “Monicas” whenever or where ever he wants while she can carry on her bi-sexual liaisons as she sees fit.  The perfect power couple – most likely how most DC politicians run their lives as we are finding out more and more with guys like Ted S cruz.

So, if you are wondering why I think we need God to allow the reset button to be hit on DC – this is what I am talking about.  When it comes to politics, it is often similar to that childrens’ song about ‘bringing home the baby bumble bee’.  You squish your sleazy opponent before he gets the chance to sting you – and no, I am NOT a bee killer unless it is wasps and hornets…. I do love most bees, and especially the fuzzy bumblers as I call them.  I digress – when it comes to the plans the elite ( and their goons like those on ex-mo sites and those who work for alphabit agencies who will not uphold the Constitution), they have plans to be part of the purging of those “Christian fundamentalists” who are a threat to the establishment.  You know, the ones who believe in families, God, basic God-given rights and who believe that rights are inherent from our Creator instead of the state; yeah, those guys……  Within a short time, those “bad guys” will be hunted from city to city – worse than in the old Mizzou days and then the Nauvoo days.  I have a buddy that I have given a Book of Mormon to at work.  Turns out, his cousins in another line are in Utah and one couple many generations back was sealed by Brigham in the parlor of his home in SLC right after the Saints came into the valley.  He called me to tell me over the weekend when his dad found out the news and relayed it to him.  I keep telling him all he needs is water – and he is good to go.  He has given up most of his vices – getting older has a way of doing that with intelligent people who know better.  So, that fellow found out about the Extermination Order of Lilburn Bogges and I said it was still on the books and perfectly legal to hunt a Mormon in the state of Misery up until a few decades ago.  That raised his eyebrows.  Yep, and I told him it is coming once again.  Hopefully, it did not “dampen” his desire to get dunked (if he has one at this point….).

Here is the huma, huma article…… Boric acid shower, here I come!