Oh boy, when they say “politics is dirty business” – they mean it!

Holy smokes!  This guy is going down.  Then, hitlery will most likely try to take down trump on way more salacious stuff.  Man, this is juicy!!

Nothing so juicy the sleazy Wood Zone cannot handle it!  lol

Hey, I want these slimeballs to marinate in their own disgusting juices.  I am SO sick of our political landscape – and thus my call for a smoking hole where DC used to be…..  And please, let it be while the whole lot is in session (except for maybe two of them).

I have to say here, it might be good to throttle back on the rhetoric a little.  I noticed a Mulder and Scully-type couple taking pictures of me the other day when I stopped to put a combo in an entry gate.  Both wearing sunglasses and in an SUV that did not appear to be government issue – but yeah.  Bring it – pukes.  We still have a modicum of free speech in this formerly-blessed country.  I would do nothing of myself – just sit back and watch it all crumble into the smoking pit that we have digged for the world.  What goes around (what this country has dished out on the world) will all come back to roost; the Law of the Harvest demands it.   I demand it.

The devil and his lackeys ALWAYS lose in the end.  It just gets interesting when push finally comes to shove.  GOD is above all – but we need to remember that.  I have no interest in having any part of it any more.  Kind of like Ether, I would like to just slink off to my cave and watch it from a distance.  I wash my hands – this turkey is done; put a fork in it already and give thanksgiving that we are about to get a REAL ruler and king to be our leader.  Man, I cannot wait for that.

So, Mr. S cruz – see you in the dust-bin of dirty politicians.  The only way they get to that level is if they know they have dirt on them – so they can be controlled by TPTB.  That is the way it works in secret combinations.  I suspect they will try hunting down the people who released this info and brought their man down.  They hate it when their “appointments” of the “anointed ones” are foiled.  And can I tell you how much I love Anonymous and Edward Snowden for raining on their parade.  It just gets better by the day.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1PJgq65


Oh boy, when they say “politics is dirty business” – they mean it!

Holy smokes!  This guy is going down.  Then, hitlery will most likely try to take down trump on way more salacious stuff.  Man, this is juicy!!

Nothing so juicy the sleazy Wood Zone cannot handle it!  lol

Hey, I want these slimeballs to marinate in their own disgusting juices.  I am SO sick of our political landscape – and thus my call for a smoking hole where DC used to be…..  And please, let it be while the whole lot is in session (except for maybe two of them).

I have to say here, it might be good to throttle back on the rhetoric a little.  I noticed a Mulder and Scully-type couple taking pictures of me the other day when I stopped to put a combo in an entry gate.  Both wearing sunglasses and in an SUV that did not appear to be government issue – but yeah.  Bring it – pukes.  We still have a modicum of free speech in this formerly-blessed country.  I would do nothing of myself – just sit back and watch it all crumble into the smoking pit that we have digged for the world.  What goes around (what this country has dished out on the world) will all come back to roost; the Law of the Harvest demands it.   I demand it.

The devil and his lackeys ALWAYS lose in the end.  It just gets interesting when push finally comes to shove.  GOD is above all – but we need to remember that.  I have no interest in having any part of it any more.  Kind of like Ether, I would like to just slink off to my cave and watch it from a distance.  I wash my hands – this turkey is done; put a fork in it already and give thanksgiving that we are about to get a REAL ruler and king to be our leader.  Man, I cannot wait for that.

So, Mr. S cruz – see you in the dust-bin of dirty politicians.  The only way they get to that level is if they know they have dirt on them – so they can be controlled by TPTB.  That is the way it works in secret combinations.  I suspect they will try hunting down the people who released this info and brought their man down.  They hate it when their “appointments” of the “anointed ones” are foiled.  And can I tell you how much I love Anonymous and Edward Snowden for raining on their parade.  It just gets better by the day.