He made the “mistake” of taking on the paper money cabal (aka the Fed) – and he was sold out for twenty pieces of paper redeemable for like value of silver……:


He was truly a good man who believed in good principle, or his speech writers were amazing…..  I still have to determine which it was.  In the meantime?  I will give him the benefit of the doubt.  As far as his philandering goes, the jury is clearly in:  he was a predator or vulnerable young women (18 and 19 years old, etc).  They may have been of legal age for those who are technical, but he was prolific and abused their awe of him to take advantage of them.

Speaking of which……  More on Ted.  I am telling you (all of you who have been abusing me in the comments – which I have mostly deleted, unless they are not personal attacks), the dam of information will burst.  Here is yet another major rag (who cares not to get sued for libel if they were indeed spreading false information), who has chosen to come forward and print the info in Mr. S cruz……  Not only does it say the same thing the NE put forward, it expands on the original allegations…….  Folks, where there is smoke, there is OFTEN fire……:


And this guy is a supposed evangelical……. The same ones who happen to rip on Mormons for not being Christian.  I find that we are more often attacked for holding our value set up there (not in a manner of boasting – but as a standard for us and the world to follow) – and that when we are attacked, it is by those who tend to have MAJOR strugglings with the commandments and are resentful of the banner that is held aloft by those who choose to raise and hold erect that banner. 

Well, people just need to get over it.  God and His kingdom will come off victorious.  Anyone who ultimately attempts to get in the way will pretty much get mowed down (this, by the God of love, who sent the Roman Legions to slaughter those who did the same to the Only Begotten Son).  Not so much that he sent them in some kind of enraged vengeance/vendetta.  He just simply failed to direct a storm at the fleet sent from Rome that was on it’s way to Jerusalem, or failed to allow the cholera that would have wiped out 90% of the camp to progress that He otherwise might have – to deflect the historical inevitability.  When we sin, God simply removes His protective hand – and we suffer the natural consequences.  Or there is no intervention at all – and in the case of Mr. Scruz, he just gets a nasty case of herpes from one of the Madame’s girls and his penis rots away and falls off……lol.  That is purely a natural consequence. 

While I am rambling and shredding – there is a cure for AIDS – and God has published the cure.  It is called the 7th commandment.  Dealing with adultery and fornication.  No sex outside the bonds of marriage; no AIDS.  Period.  But I would be called out as a homophobe for saying the obvious……

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1q1lwp3


He made the “mistake” of taking on the paper money cabal (aka the Fed) – and he was sold out for twenty pieces of paper redeemable for like value of silver……:


He was truly a good man who believed in good principle, or his speech writers were amazing…..  I still have to determine which it was.  In the meantime?  I will give him the benefit of the doubt.  As far as his philandering goes, the jury is clearly in:  he was a predator or vulnerable young women (18 and 19 years old, etc).  They may have been of legal age for those who are technical, but he was prolific and abused their awe of him to take advantage of them.

Speaking of which……  More on Ted.  I am telling you (all of you who have been abusing me in the comments – which I have mostly deleted, unless they are not personal attacks), the dam of information will burst.  Here is yet another major rag (who cares not to get sued for libel if they were indeed spreading false information), who has chosen to come forward and print the info in Mr. S cruz……  Not only does it say the same thing the NE put forward, it expands on the original allegations…….  Folks, where there is smoke, there is OFTEN fire……:


And this guy is a supposed evangelical……. The same ones who happen to rip on Mormons for not being Christian.  I find that we are more often attacked for holding our value set up there (not in a manner of boasting – but as a standard for us and the world to follow) – and that when we are attacked, it is by those who tend to have MAJOR strugglings with the commandments and are resentful of the banner that is held aloft by those who choose to raise and hold erect that banner. 

Well, people just need to get over it.  God and His kingdom will come off victorious.  Anyone who ultimately attempts to get in the way will pretty much get mowed down (this, by the God of love, who sent the Roman Legions to slaughter those who did the same to the Only Begotten Son).  Not so much that he sent them in some kind of enraged vengeance/vendetta.  He just simply failed to direct a storm at the fleet sent from Rome that was on it’s way to Jerusalem, or failed to allow the cholera that would have wiped out 90% of the camp to progress that He otherwise might have – to deflect the historical inevitability.  When we sin, God simply removes His protective hand – and we suffer the natural consequences.  Or there is no intervention at all – and in the case of Mr. Scruz, he just gets a nasty case of herpes from one of the Madame’s girls and his penis rots away and falls off……lol.  That is purely a natural consequence. 

While I am rambling and shredding – there is a cure for AIDS – and God has published the cure.  It is called the 7th commandment.  Dealing with adultery and fornication.  No sex outside the bonds of marriage; no AIDS.  Period.  But I would be called out as a homophobe for saying the obvious……