I had a very thoughtful (not vitriolic) comment by Mac on the timeline of the Lord coming to Jerusalem:

How can we be RIGHT ON track for the Lord’s imminent coming to Jerusalem? Armageddon hasn’t even begun yet, and the Lord appears 3 1/2 years into that battle. It looks like all the players are lining up for Armageddon, with the number of troops that are being sent there, but even if Armageddon started tomorrow, we are still 3 1/2 years from the Savior appearing to the Jews

 My response is this:

  Most likely, you have not been a regular reader and have not gotten the history what brought me to this conclusion.  That is fine.  I am sure most readers are relatively new to this blog.  I had the same question posed to me when sharing with a like-minded fellow at a Fireside on Pornography last Sunday night (I will share more on that when I get a chance – it will blow your mind).

I have laid out in the historical portion of the blog back in 2013 that Obama is the A/C.  I laid out the video by Dewey Bruton that indicated (when he recorded it in 2005 – CLICK LINK TO VIEW), that this figure who would rule the world, would make his appearance at Jerusalem in March 22, 2013 on the Passover week.  Indeed, Obama showed up, just as predicted as this A/C figure.  I have known since I was a young laddy in SS, that this A/C figure would declare peace for the first 3.5 years, then ascend Temple Mount at the mid-point (causing the sacrifice to cease) and then cause war to be poured out upon ALL nations in the last 3.5 years.  Then, there would be a 7 year period after Christ came to save His people that it would take to bury the bodies and dispose of the weapons of war that would come out of the north (Assyria) and then head south into Jerusalem to “finish the job”.  I assume there would be some catastrophic event that would cause all nations to coalesce there to attempt to deliver “the deathblow”.  This would be satan’s final attempt at “extinguishing” God’s chosen people in order to thwart prophecy, frustrate people’s belief in a higher power and break their will to have true freedom that belief in Christ affords (Jedi/Star Wars imagery coming in full force here….).  If you look at history, the Babylonians, the Romans, the Germans, the Russians have all tried in vain to extinguish these people to no avail.  It simply will NOT work, as they are under God’s protective hand, even inasmuch as they have rejected Him through the ages.

So people have a lot of false narrative in their belief set that has caused them to stumble because of unbelief/ignorance.  One of them is that the temple has to be built before Christ comes.  Another is that the two Prophets have to be making CNN headline news every day for the final three and a half years.  Another is that the LDS Church is going to build the temple there in Jerusalem.  False – it is an offering of the Jewish people, from the Jewish people to their Lord.  That belief is about as ludicrous as a belief in the 1850’s that the Saints would have their Salt Lake temple built by the Catholics or the Hopi.  Ludicrous.

As for the Prophets who are there – prove to me that they have NOT been at work over there staying the forces who otherwise might be descending from Syria into Jerusalem.  We have had war going on in “Assyria” for the last 3 years.  Maybe things have not progressed to the point they otherwise might have, due to their efforts.

We need to be careful that the false narratives that we have built up in our minds have not caused us to be blinded to the reality of what is going on.  I seem to recall another group of people who missed the mark about 2,000 years ago because their blind guides led them astray (I am talking their parents, SS teachers who had no clue and cared not to dig to find out the truth).  

I tell this to the faithless that I have to deal with:  I would rather be found guilty of having been TOO believing, rather than not having believed enough, and found myself lacking when it really mattered.  IE;  why not throw a little oil in that lamp with the expectation that it may not be used or necessary right away, than be without the wedding feast begging to be let in.  As a true conservative, I am ALWAYS going to take the most conservative opinion, belief and action.  I happen to sleep quite well at night for having done so.  Just saying:


If you prefer the video side of things:


from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1T1Dqlq


I had a very thoughtful (not vitriolic) comment by Mac on the timeline of the Lord coming to Jerusalem:

How can we be RIGHT ON track for the Lord’s imminent coming to Jerusalem? Armageddon hasn’t even begun yet, and the Lord appears 3 1/2 years into that battle. It looks like all the players are lining up for Armageddon, with the number of troops that are being sent there, but even if Armageddon started tomorrow, we are still 3 1/2 years from the Savior appearing to the Jews

 My response is this:

  Most likely, you have not been a regular reader and have not gotten the history what brought me to this conclusion.  That is fine.  I am sure most readers are relatively new to this blog.  I had the same question posed to me when sharing with a like-minded fellow at a Fireside on Pornography last Sunday night (I will share more on that when I get a chance – it will blow your mind).

I have laid out in the historical portion of the blog back in 2013 that Obama is the A/C.  I laid out the video by Dewey Bruton that indicated (when he recorded it in 2005 – CLICK LINK TO VIEW), that this figure who would rule the world, would make his appearance at Jerusalem in March 22, 2013 on the Passover week.  Indeed, Obama showed up, just as predicted as this A/C figure.  I have known since I was a young laddy in SS, that this A/C figure would declare peace for the first 3.5 years, then ascend Temple Mount at the mid-point (causing the sacrifice to cease) and then cause war to be poured out upon ALL nations in the last 3.5 years.  Then, there would be a 7 year period after Christ came to save His people that it would take to bury the bodies and dispose of the weapons of war that would come out of the north (Assyria) and then head south into Jerusalem to “finish the job”.  I assume there would be some catastrophic event that would cause all nations to coalesce there to attempt to deliver “the deathblow”.  This would be satan’s final attempt at “extinguishing” God’s chosen people in order to thwart prophecy, frustrate people’s belief in a higher power and break their will to have true freedom that belief in Christ affords (Jedi/Star Wars imagery coming in full force here….).  If you look at history, the Babylonians, the Romans, the Germans, the Russians have all tried in vain to extinguish these people to no avail.  It simply will NOT work, as they are under God’s protective hand, even inasmuch as they have rejected Him through the ages.

So people have a lot of false narrative in their belief set that has caused them to stumble because of unbelief/ignorance.  One of them is that the temple has to be built before Christ comes.  Another is that the two Prophets have to be making CNN headline news every day for the final three and a half years.  Another is that the LDS Church is going to build the temple there in Jerusalem.  False – it is an offering of the Jewish people, from the Jewish people to their Lord.  That belief is about as ludicrous as a belief in the 1850’s that the Saints would have their Salt Lake temple built by the Catholics or the Hopi.  Ludicrous.

As for the Prophets who are there – prove to me that they have NOT been at work over there staying the forces who otherwise might be descending from Syria into Jerusalem.  We have had war going on in “Assyria” for the last 3 years.  Maybe things have not progressed to the point they otherwise might have, due to their efforts.

We need to be careful that the false narratives that we have built up in our minds have not caused us to be blinded to the reality of what is going on.  I seem to recall another group of people who missed the mark about 2,000 years ago because their blind guides led them astray (I am talking their parents, SS teachers who had no clue and cared not to dig to find out the truth).  

I tell this to the faithless that I have to deal with:  I would rather be found guilty of having been TOO believing, rather than not having believed enough, and found myself lacking when it really mattered.  IE;  why not throw a little oil in that lamp with the expectation that it may not be used or necessary right away, than be without the wedding feast begging to be let in.  As a true conservative, I am ALWAYS going to take the most conservative opinion, belief and action.  I happen to sleep quite well at night for having done so.  Just saying:


If you prefer the video side of things:
