This started in 1990 and is just wrapping up, 26 long years later.  Yet, if you owed the gubmint a sum of money, they would crush you if you did pay up immediately……  Double standard alert.

We demonized the Native Americans as sub-human, gave them hooch and small pox-infested blankets and stole their way of life and their land.  All in the name of God and Manifest Destiny.  The guy with the biggest gun and blackest boots wins in this game……  And then we have the long-awaited prophecy of those will rise up against the wicked Gentiles (us).  And what will we do?  We will be cowering in fear as they go among us, tearing to pieces.  They will hit us hard when this nation is down.  We will be a prey to them – in our hour of need.  I am sure that we will be shown as much mercy as us to them in the previous generations.

The law of the harvest.  And, yes.  For all the millennialist pot-smokers in a haze out there, if you plant a pot seed, you will get a pot plant.  If you plant a tomato seed, you will get a tomato plant….. Is the picture becoming clearer, or do we need to open a window??  The fact is that there IS cause and effect in EVERYTHING we do.  Everything – especially when we choose to put sacred things at defiance. 

Oh, that is right.  We do not understand the concept of “not everyone gets a shiny little trophy”.  I apologize for my oversight of your understanding of the basic concepts of good and evil.  If we do not try – we do not get a prize.  Nope – when someone goes out to study every night and take tests to get their MBA, it would be unfair to those who DID work hard, to just simply give the equivalent degree to the sniveler on the sidelines who refused to do something and sat and whined the whole time that they did not get a trophy like the MVP of the game. 

People seriously have to grow up and get a pair.  We are living in an era where 1/3 of these Millennials at BYU would vote for an avowed Marxist in Bernie Sanders….. but they will get free stuff!  What a kind man, that Bernie is!!

Heaven help us as a body of people.  This generation will take the whole country down the crapper far worse than we can even imagine if we do not hurry up and get the sifting over with and take the chaff to the burn pit.

Here is the latest news. Finally, someone who actually deserves a trophy for putting up with the garbage we collectively dished out to them, gets one:

Albuquerque, NM — In a historic settlement, Native American tribes have been awarded nearly a billion dollars. The U.S. Department of Justice announced this week that a settlement was reached with 645 Native American Tribes for the sum of $940 million dollars.
The settlement stems from a 1990 lawsuit, which claimed the U.S. government failed to pay its portion of federal contracts for housing, education, law enforcement and healthcare, as well as a number of other support programs.
When the federal government failed to meet its obligations, people on the tribal lands were decimated by suffering, according to tribal leaders.
“The federal government’s conduct was not just cruel and wrong, it was illegal,” said Governor Val Panteah Sr. of the Zuni Pueblo.
Tribal leaders believe the massive payout to compensate the tribes will assist in combating major issues faced on reservations such as alcoholism, rampant unemployment and almost non-existent healthcare system.
The settlement is meant to compensate the tribal contractors and tribes that were underpaid from the years of 1994 to 2013. The failure of the US government to meet financial obligations to the tribes is one of the historic means used to keep Native Americans disenfranchised.


This started in 1990 and is just wrapping up, 26 long years later.  Yet, if you owed the gubmint a sum of money, they would crush you if you did pay up immediately……  Double standard alert.

We demonized the Native Americans as sub-human, gave them hooch and small pox-infested blankets and stole their way of life and their land.  All in the name of God and Manifest Destiny.  The guy with the biggest gun and blackest boots wins in this game……  And then we have the long-awaited prophecy of those will rise up against the wicked Gentiles (us).  And what will we do?  We will be cowering in fear as they go among us, tearing to pieces.  They will hit us hard when this nation is down.  We will be a prey to them – in our hour of need.  I am sure that we will be shown as much mercy as us to them in the previous generations.

The law of the harvest.  And, yes.  For all the millennialist pot-smokers in a haze out there, if you plant a pot seed, you will get a pot plant.  If you plant a tomato seed, you will get a tomato plant….. Is the picture becoming clearer, or do we need to open a window??  The fact is that there IS cause and effect in EVERYTHING we do.  Everything – especially when we choose to put sacred things at defiance. 

Oh, that is right.  We do not understand the concept of “not everyone gets a shiny little trophy”.  I apologize for my oversight of your understanding of the basic concepts of good and evil.  If we do not try – we do not get a prize.  Nope – when someone goes out to study every night and take tests to get their MBA, it would be unfair to those who DID work hard, to just simply give the equivalent degree to the sniveler on the sidelines who refused to do something and sat and whined the whole time that they did not get a trophy like the MVP of the game. 

People seriously have to grow up and get a pair.  We are living in an era where 1/3 of these Millennials at BYU would vote for an avowed Marxist in Bernie Sanders….. but they will get free stuff!  What a kind man, that Bernie is!!

Heaven help us as a body of people.  This generation will take the whole country down the crapper far worse than we can even imagine if we do not hurry up and get the sifting over with and take the chaff to the burn pit.

Here is the latest news. Finally, someone who actually deserves a trophy for putting up with the garbage we collectively dished out to them, gets one:

Albuquerque, NM — In a historic settlement, Native American tribes have been awarded nearly a billion dollars. The U.S. Department of Justice announced this week that a settlement was reached with 645 Native American Tribes for the sum of $940 million dollars.
The settlement stems from a 1990 lawsuit, which claimed the U.S. government failed to pay its portion of federal contracts for housing, education, law enforcement and healthcare, as well as a number of other support programs.
When the federal government failed to meet its obligations, people on the tribal lands were decimated by suffering, according to tribal leaders.
“The federal government’s conduct was not just cruel and wrong, it was illegal,” said Governor Val Panteah Sr. of the Zuni Pueblo.
Tribal leaders believe the massive payout to compensate the tribes will assist in combating major issues faced on reservations such as alcoholism, rampant unemployment and almost non-existent healthcare system.
The settlement is meant to compensate the tribal contractors and tribes that were underpaid from the years of 1994 to 2013. The failure of the US government to meet financial obligations to the tribes is one of the historic means used to keep Native Americans disenfranchised.