Lord's Truths Are Hidden in the Scriptures From the Insincere


Boyd K. Packer Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

• For His own reasons, the Lord provides answers to some questions, with pieces placed here and there throughout the scriptures. We are to find them; we are to earn them. In that way sacred things are hidden from the insincere. ("The Mystery of Life," Ensign, Nov. 1983, p. 17)

• The scriptures reveal much about the priesthood, but they are not a handbook with references all gathered together in one place. They are scattered through the scriptures and were revealed at different times and in different places. Revelation continues: consider the recent announcement on the Seventy. One must prospect through and dig into the scriptures like a miner searching for precious metal. Scattered here and there are nuggets, some pure, and some alloyed with other doctrines. Occasionally one strikes a rich vein which will yield all that you are willing to earn, for the scriptures do not explain nor interpret themselves. ("A Tribute to Women," Ensign, July 1989, pp. 72-73)