Oh No, the P Word Again


One of the biggest reasons (other reasons are that great Patriarchs like Abraham and Jacob lived it and did have the full patriarchal order go through them and their sons for a time) I stand up for the truth of plural marriage: This very principle caused some of Joseph's closest friends to think him a fallen prophet, and they ultimately caused his death by the mob for things they did not understand. I tire of the thoughts even in our day that Joseph never lived it. Joseph was not a fallen prophet. He may have went about some things in a "bone headed way" (agree with what Snuffer stated), but he never transgressed bad enough with anything, even for obeying the commandment of God to enter into and live this practice. God was still with him until the end. God was still trying to get the Patriarchal Family and Order (the fullness) into the hands of the church in Nauvoo with Hyrum Smith at the head.

Please read these two papers by Benjamin F Johnson at the following link:

Here are some quick interesting quotes:

"I can now see, as President George A. Smith afterwards said, that I was then really "the bosom friend and companion of the Prophet Joseph." I was as welcome at the Mansion as at my own house, and on one occasion when at a full table of his family and chosen friends, he placed me at his right hand and introduced me as his "friend, Brother B. F. Johnson, at whose house he sat at a better table than his own." Sometimes when at my house I asked him questions relating to past, present and future; some of his answers were taken by Brother William Clayton, who was then present with him, and are now recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants;"

As I have alluded to the law of plural marriage [D&C 132] I will relate the time and manner in which it was taught to me.

About the first of April, 1843, the Prophet with some of the Twelve and others came to Macedonia to hold a meeting, which was to convene in a large cabinet shop owned by Brother Joseph E. and myself, and as usual he put up at my house. Early on Sunday morning he said, "Come Brother Bennie, let us have a walk." I took his arm and he led the way into a by-place in the edge of the woods surrounded by tall brush and trees. Here, as we sat down upon a log he began to tell me that the Lord had revealed to him that plural or patriarchal marriage was according to His law; and that the Lord had not only revealed it to him but had commanded him to obey it; that he was required to take other wives; and that he wanted my Sister Almira for one of them, and wished me to see and talk to her upon the subject. If a thunderbolt had fallen at my feet I could hardly have been more shocked or amazed. He saw the struggle in my mind and went on to explain. But the shock was too great for me to comprehend anything, and in almost an agony of feeling I looked him squarely in the eye, and said, while my heart gushed up before him, "Brother Joseph, this is all new to me; it may all be true–you know, but I do not. To my education it is all wrong, but I am going, with the help of the Lord to do just what you say, with this promise to you–that if ever I know you do this to degrade my sister I will kill you, as the Lord lives." He looked at me, oh, so calmly, and said, "Brother Benjamin, you will never see that day, but you shall see the day you will know it is true, and you will fulfill the law and greatly rejoice in it." And he said, "At this morning's meeting, I will preach you a sermon that no one but you will understand. And furthermore, I will promise you that when you open your mouth to your sister, it shall be filled."

At the meeting he read the parable of the Talents, and showed plainly that to him that hath shall be given more, and from him that had but one should be taken that he seemed to have, and given to him who had ten. This, so far as I could understand, might relate to families, but to me there was a horror in the idea of speaking to my sister upon such a subject, the thought of which made me sick. But I had promised, and it must be done. I did not remember his words, and have faith that light would come, I only thought, "How dark it all looks to me.' But I must do it, and so told my sister I wished to see her in a room by herself, where I soon found her seated. I stood before her trembling, my knees shaking, but I opened my mouth and my heart opened to the light of the Lord, my tongue was loosened and I was filled with the Holy Ghost. I preached a sermon that forever converted me and her also to the principle, even though her heart was not yet won by the Prophet. And so I had great joy after my tribulation.

He had asked me to bring my sister to the city, which I soon did, where he saw her at my sister's, the Widow Sherman, who had already been sealed to him by proxy. His brother, Hyrum, said to me, "Now, Brother Benjamin, you know that Brother Joseph would not sanction this if it was not from the Lord. The Lord revealed this to Brother Joseph long ago, and he put it off until the Angel of the Lord came to him with a drawn sword and told him that he would be slain if he did not go forth and fulfill the law." He told my sister to have no fears, and he there and then sealed my sister, Almira, to the Prophet.

Soon after this he was at my house again, where he occupied my Sister Almira's room and bed, and also asked me for my youngest sister, Esther M. I told him she was promised in marriage to my wife's brother. He said, "Well, let them marry, for it will all come right."

The orphan girl–Mary Ann Hale–that my mother had raised from a child, was now living with us, of nearly the same age as my sister, and I asked him if he would not like her, as well as Almira. He said, "No, but she is for you. You keep her and take her for your wife and you will be blessed." This seemed like hurrying up my blessings pretty fast, but the spirit of it came upon me, and from that hour I thought of her as a wife that the Lord had given me.

In lighting him to bed one night he showed me his garments and explained that they were such as the Lord made for Adam from skins, and gave me such ideas pertaining to endowments as he thought proper. He told me Freemasonry, as at present, was the apostate endowments, as sectarian religion was the apostate religion.

In the evening he called me and my wife to come and sit down, for he wished to marry us according to the Law of the Lord. I thought it a joke, and said I should not marry my wife again, unless she courted me, for I did it all the first time. He chided my levity, told me he was in earnest, and so it proved, for we stood up and were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise.

This occurrence is referred to in the life of Joseph Smith as "Spending the evening in giving counsel to Brother Johnson and wife." At this time I knew that the Prophet had as his wives, Louisa Beeman, Eliza R. Snow, Maria and Sarah Lawrence, Sisters Lyon and Dibble, one or two of Bishop Partridge's daughters, and some of C. P. Lott's daughters, together with my own two sisters. And I also knew that Brother J. Bates Noble and others had plural wives, and that the Prophet had sealed to me my first and had given to me a second to be my wife. And I knew of other things in the Prophet's life and teachings that I will not now write, but I do so well remember his declarations in the meetings of the Saints, that the Lord had revealed to him principles, that should he teach and practice them, those who were now his best friends would become his bitterest enemies.

This was already becoming apparent, and the end of his labors in this life, with the hope of the rest prepared for the faithful was now beginning to fill is weary soul. On one occasion, at Macedonia, after he had preached to a large congregation through the day, and at evening meeting had blessed nineteen children, he said to me, "Let us go home." We went home, and I found my wife sitting with our first born still unblessed and said, "See now what we have lost by our babe not being at meeting. Brother Joseph replied, "You shall lose nothing, for I will bless him too," which he did, and then sitting back heavily in a big chair before the fire, and with a deep-drawn breath said, "Oh! I am so tired–so tired that I often feel to long for my day of rest. For what has there been in this life but tribulation for me? From a boy I have been persecuted by my enemies, and now even my friends are beginning to join with them, to hate and persecute me! Why should I not wish for my time of rest?" 
His words to me were ominous, and they brought a shadow as of death over my spirit, and I said, "Oh, Joseph! how could you think of leaving us? How as a people could we do without you?" He saw my feelings were sorrowful and said kindly, "Bennie, if I was on the other side of the veil I could do many times more for my friends than I can do while I am with them here." But the iron had gone into my soul, and I felt that in his words there was a meaning that boded sorrow, and I could not forget them."

"Apostate spirits within were now joining with our enemies outside for the destruction of the priesthood, for the Temple was progressing, and the devil, striving for empire began to stir up, in them as in Judas, desire for the Prophet's blood. The keys of endowments and plural marriage had been given, and some had received their Second Anointing. Baptism for the dead had been taught and the keys committed. All of these things I then comprehended, though in some I had not fully participated. These sacred principles were then committed to but a few, but not only were they committed to me from the first, but from the first I was authorized by the Prophet to teach them to others, when I was led to do so.

I was now progressing with my building, and had over 100,000 bricks in its walls, besides cut stone. I was still selling goods, with a cabinet shop, was burning brick and lime, and attending to my calling as trustee, when traitors inside joined with outside enemies to destroy the Prophet. All of this is written in church history, so I need not repeat.

At this time Father John Smith lived at and was President at Macedonia, and by him I was ordained to the high priesthood. When he was sent for by the Prophet to receive the Patriarchal Priesthood, I accompanied him to Nauvoo for that purpose, and obtained indirectly his first blessing. My mother having finally separated from my father, by the suggestion or counsel of the Prophet, she accepted of and was sealed by him to Father John Smith. In this I felt not a little sorrow, for I loved my father and knew him to be naturally a kind and loving parent, a just and noble spirited man. But he had not obeyed the Gospel, had fought it with his words; and as I knew a stream must have a fountain and does not rise above it, so I consoled myself, assured by the Prophet's words that a better day would come to my father.

The days of tribulation were now fast approaching, for just as the Prophet so often told us, so it came to pass; and those he had called around him as a cordon of safety and strength were worse than a rope of sand, and were now forging his fetters. William Law was his first counselor; Wilson Law, Major General of the Legion; Wm. Marks, President of the Stake; the Higbies, his confidential attorneys, and Dr. Foster, his financial business agent. All of these and many others entered into secret covenant so much worse than Judas, that they would have the Prophet's life, just in fulfillment of what he had said so often publicly. With all their power, they began to make a party strong enough to destroy the Prophet."

"These things with those previous, impressed me strongly with a feeling that some great change was near. In fact, the Prophet was often heard to speak of his being made a sacrifice by those who had been his friends. But this is my own life in review and not the Prophet's, yet at this time I was so fully occupied by and with him, and my business and feelings so joined to his, that I have little more than his history to write while he lived, to fully chronicle my own."

"The full break had now come in Nauvoo. The apostates had started to publish the "Nauvoo Expositor" which was destroyed by the police, and Joseph, being Mayor of the city, was held responsible for the act. Writs were issued from Carthage for the arrest of the Prophet and others at Nauvoo, from which he was released by habeas corpus by local legal authority. All hell now seemed in commotion. Mobs were rising in all the adjacent counties, with Missouri and Iowa in sympathy with our enemies. All conspired for the destruction of the Prophet, with his beautiful city and massive temple so fast nearing completion. "

"It was now June 1844, and mobs were destroying property, burning homes of the Saints outside of Nauvoo, and threatening the city. Governor Ford ordered out troops to enforce the law, but they were not reliable, and all was excitement. On the 15th an order came for the able-bodied men at Macedonia to hasten to Nauvoo. On the 16th we started, and to avoid attack travelled all night across the prairie through mud, rain and darkness, terrible to those who were there. The Prophet came out to greet us. Here I remained a few days on duty, when I was sent by General Dunham, then in command, back to Macedonia to look after and keep up a home guard.

It was now revealed to the Prophet that his only safety was in flight to the Rocky Mountains, and he crossed the river with a few faithful friends with a full purpose not to return. But through the persuasion and reproaches of his wife, Emma, and others, he was induced to return and give himself up to the slaughter. With all the persons who induced him to return I was well acquainted, and I know that fearful has been the hand of the Lord to follow them from the day they sought to steady the Ark of God, which resulted in the martyrdom of his servants."

"I was appointed with Bishop N. K. Whitney to visit Sister Emma for the last time, and if possible persuade her to remain with the Church. Nearly all night we labored with her, and all we could learn was that she was willing to go with the Church on condition she could be the leading Spirit. So we left her, and she did lead all who would follow her so long as she lived."

Some quotes from the letter by BFJ also found at the same link referenced above:

…"in `43' he gave us, by command the high and holy law of Plural Marriage, with the sealing power of the Holy Priesthood, did we, as a people, receive it in the spirit and purpose for which it was given? Or have we been slow in comprehending even the primary lessons and precepts of this life's mission? "
"And just such phases, to a degree, have I witnessed in the life and character of our great Prophet, who stood in the presence of both the Father and the Son and personally conversed with them both; being often visited by Holy Angels, while continually receiving by revelation the word of the Lord to His people. And yet he was altogether of "like passions with his brethren and associates."

"As a son, he was nobility itself, in love and honor of his parents; as a brother he was loving and true, even unto death; as a husband and father, his devotion to wives and children stopped only at idolatry. And his life's greatest motto after `God and His Kingdom' was that of `wives, children and friends'". And on one Sunday morning while sitting with him in the Mansion dining room in private converse, two of Emma's children came to him, as just from their mother, all so nice, bright and sweet, and calling to them my attention, he said, "Benjamin, look at these children, how could I help loving their mother; if necessary, I would go to hell for such a woman." And although at the time he had in the Mansion other wives, younger and apparently more brilliant, yet Emma, the wife of his youth, to me, appeared the queen of his heart and of his home.

But to return: Joseph the Prophet, as a friend he was faithful, long suffering, noble and true to the degree that the erring who did love him were at times reminded that the rod of a friend was better than the kiss of an enemy, "while others who sopped in his dish" but bore not reproof, became his enemies, and like Laws, Marks, Foster, Higby and others–who hated him and conspired to his death."

"And now to your question, "How early did the Prophet Joseph practice polygamy?" I hardly know how wisely to reply, for the truth at times may be better withheld; but as what I am writing is to be published only under strict scrutiny of the wisest, I will say, that the revelation [D&C 132] to the Church at Nauvoo, July 21, 1843, on the Eternity of the Marriage Covenant and the Law of Plural Marriage, was not the first revelation of the law received and practiced by the Prophet. In 1835, at Kirtland, I learned from my sister's husband, Lyman R. Sherman, who was close to the Prophet, and received it from him, "that the ancient order of Plural Marriage was again to be practiced by the Church." This at the time, did not impress my mind deeply, although there then lived with his family a neighbor's daughter, Fannie Alger, a very nice and comely young woman about my own age, toward whom not only myself, but every one, seemed partial for the amiability of her character; and it was whispered even then that Joseph loved her. After this, there was some trouble with Jared Carter, and through Brother Sherman I learned that "as he had built himself a new house, he now wanted another wife", which Joseph would not permit. 
And then there was some trouble with Oliver Cowdery, and whisper said it was relating to a girl then living in his family; and I was afterwards told by Warren Parish, that he himself and Oliver Cowdery did know that Joseph had Fannie Alger as a wife, for they were spied upon and found together. And I can now see that as at Nauvoo, so at Kirtland, that the suspicion or knowledge of the Prophet's plural relation was one of the causes of apostasy and disruption at Kirtland although at the time there was little said publicly on the subject. "

"It was Sunday morning, April 3rd or 4th, 1843, that the Prophet was at my home in Ramus, and after breakfast he proposed a stroll together, and taking his arm, our walk led toward a swail, surrounded by trees and tall brush and near the forest line not far from my house. Through the swail ran a small spring brook, across which a tree was fallen and was clean of its bark. On this we sat down and the Prophet proceeded at once to open to me the subject of plural and eternal marriage and he said that years ago in Kirtland the Lord had revealed to him the ancient order of plural marriage, and the necessity for its practice, and did command him then to take another wife, and that among his first thoughts was to come to my mother for some of her daughters. And as he was again required of the Lord to take more wives, he had come now to ask me for my sister Almira.

My words astonished me and almost took my breath. I sat for a time amazed and finally, almost ready to burst with emotion, I looked him straight in the face and said: "Brother Joseph, this is something I did not expect, and I do not understand it. You know whether it is right, I do not. I want to do just as you tell me, and I will try, but if I ever should know that you do this to dishonor and debauch my sister, I will kill you as sure as the Lord lives." And while his eyes did not move from mine, he said with a smile, in a soft tone: "But Benjamin you will never know that, but you will know the principle in time, and will greatly rejoice in what it will bring to you." "But how," I asked, "Can I teach my sister what I myself do not understand, or show her what I do not myself see?" "But you will see and understand it," he said, "And when you open your mouth to talk to your sister, light will come to you and your mouth will be full and your tongue loose, and I will today preach a sermon to you that none but you will understand." Both of these promises were more than fulfilled. The text of his sermon was our use of the "one, five and ten talents," and as God had now commanded plural marriage, and was exaltation and dominion of the saints depended upon the number of their righteous posterity, from him who was then but with one talent, it would be taken and given him that had ten, which item of doctrine seems now to be somewhat differently constructed.

But my thought and wish is to write of things just as they occurred, and I now bear an earnest testimony that his other prediction was more than fulfilled, for when with great hesitation and stammering I called my sister to a private audience, and stood before her shaking with fear, just so soon as I found power to open my mouth, it was filled, for the light of the Lord shone upon my understanding, and the subject that had seemed so dark now appeared of all subjects pertaining to our gospel the most lucid and plain; and so both my sister and myself were converted together, and never again did I need evidence or argument to sustain that high and holy principle. And within a few days of this period my sister accompanied me to Nauvoo, where at our sister Delcena's, we soon met the Prophet with his brother Hyrum and Wm. Clayton, as his private secretary, who always accompanied him. Brother Hyrum at once took me in hand, apparently in fear I was not fully converted, and this was the manner of his talk to me: "Now Benjamin, you must not be afraid of this new doctrine, for it is all right. You know Brother Hyrum don't get carried away by worldly things, and he fought this principle until the Lord showed him it was true. I know that Joseph was commanded to take more wives, and he waited until an angel with a drawn sword stood before him and declared that if he longer delayed fulfilling that command he would slay him." This was the manner of Brother Hyrum's teaching to me, which I then did not need, as I was fully converted.

Meanwhile, the Prophet, with Louisa Beeman and my sister Delcena, had it agreeable arranged with Sister Almera, and after a little instruction she stood by the Prophet's side and was sealed to him as a wife, by Brother Clayton; after which the Prophet asked me to take my sister to occupy number "10" in his Mansion home during her stay in the city. But as I could not long be absent from my home and business, we soon returned to Ramus, where on the 15th of May, some three weeks later, the Prophet again came and at my house occupied the same room and bed with my sister, that the month previous he had occupied with the daughter of the late Bishop Partridge, as his wife.

And at this time he sealed to me my first wife for eternity, and gave to me my first plural wife, Mary Ann Hale, an orphan girl raised by my mother then living with us, who is still with me, and is probably the only wife still living with the man to whom she was given by the Prophet.

At the marriage of Sister Almera to the Prophet, there was still our youngest sister, for whom he manifest partiality, and would gladly have married, also, but she being young and partially promised to my first wife's brother, although reluctantly, the matter by him was dropped.

On learning from the Prophet that even in Kirtland "the Lord had required him to take plural wives, and that he had then thought to ask for some of my sisters" the past with its conditions and influences began more fully to unfold to my mind, the causes that must, at least in part, have led to the great apostasy and disruption in Kirtland. Without a doubt in my mind, Fanny Alger was, at Kirtland, the Prophet's first plural wife, in which, by right of his calling, he was justified of the Lord (see D&C 132:59-60); while Oliver Cowdery, J. Carter, W. Parish, or others were not justified of the Lord either in their criticisms upon the doings of the Prophet, or in their becoming a "law unto themselves," through which they lost the light of their calling and were left in darkness.

Fanny A., when asked by her brother and others, even after the Prophet's death, regarding her relations to him, replied: "That is all a matter of our own, and I have nothing to communicate." Her parents died in Utah, true to the church. And to my knowledge, was by President Kimball in the temple at St. George introduced as "Brother of the Prophet Joseph's first plural wife."

The marriage of my eldest sister to the Prophet was before my return to Nauvoo, and it being tacitly admitted, I asked no questions.

And as to the number that came into the plural order, before the Prophet's death, I can think of but five, whose names I will not now attempt to recall, but the number soon after his death began to increase. But on the finishing of the Temple, with endowments that followed, the number was greatly augmented. And so there was at least a "few who had accepted" and practiced plural marriage from about 1842 to 1852, when the revelation was published to the world. "

"How generally was polygamy practiced in Utah?" is a question that I am not qualified to answer, but from my narrow observation, I would "guess" that one-tenth of our church men married plurally, and that two-thirds of that number made a fair success in raising good families, and that the other third was more or less a failure. But my judgment is not to be fully relied upon. Of the number of plural marriages in Joseph's day, I have already said of men there was but few, comprising the Prophet and part of the twelve, with a few others who were his confidential or bosom friends."

"You ask if plural marriage was ever Mandatory? If you mean by the Lord then I say yes; for it was by command to the Prophet from the first. But from the Prophet to the people, it came as counsel, which when personally given, was not always heeded. But no one who lived worthy of his priesthood and calling was deprived of a right to plural marriage. And just as it was a "happy privilege" for us in poverty and self-sacrifice to have our homes to preach the gospel, or to fill any calling in labors of love and charity for the salvation of the Father's children, thereby to learn their gratitude and love as our reward just so it was a privilege. For how do we attain to real happiness but in administering happiness to others?"

"The first command was to "multiply" and the Prophet taught us that dominion and power in the Great Future would be commensurate with the number of "wives, children and friends" that we inherit here, and that our mission to the earth was to organize a nuclei of Heaven, to take with us, to the increase of which there would be no end."

The First PM Revelation

From: http://www.withoutend.org/polygamy-revelations/#sthash.SzKJKCK8.dpuf

"Verily I say unto you that the wisdom of man in his fallen state, knoweth not the purposes and the privileges of my holy priesthood. but ye shall know when ye receive a fulness by reason of the anointing: For it is my will, that in time, ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white, delightsome and Just, for even now their females are more virtuous than the gentiles."

"Phelps' letter continued, saying that in about 1834, he asked Joseph Smith

"how 'we,' that were mentioned in the revelation could take wives from the 'natives'—as we were all married men? He replied instantly 'In th[e] same manner that Abraham took Hagar and Katurah [Keturah]; and Jacob took Rachel Bilhah and Zilpah: by revelation—the saints of the Lord are always directed by revelation.

Nancy Rigdon letter by Joseph Smith

From: http://www.withoutend.org/polygamy-revelations/#sthash.SzKJKCK8.dpuf

"Happiness is the object and design of our existence … we cannot keep all the commandments without first knowing them. That which is wrong under one circumstance, may be, and often is, right under another. This is the principle on which the government of heaven is conducted–by revelation. Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason thereof till long after the events transpire. So with Solomon: first he asked wisdom, and God gave it him, and with it every desire of his heart, even things which might be considered abominable to all who understand the order of heaven only in part, but which in reality were right because God gave and sanctioned by special revelation. … Smith told her that there are unknown commandments that seem wrong, but are right under current circumstances that come by the principle of revelation. He gave an example of Solomon, who asked for wisdom and received a "special revelation" which granted "every desire of his heart" that others "considered abominable." Solomon's polygamy is referenced in D&C 132:1, 38. Joseph Smith continued: "[I]t is proper that we should enjoy His gifts and blessings whenever and wherever He is disposed to bestow; but if we should seize upon those same blessings and enjoyments without law, without revelation, without commandment, those blessings and enjoyments would prove cursings." He told Nancy Rigdon that enjoying God's "gifts and blessings … and enjoyments" is not sin with revelation, and that those who receive this blessing "shall have abundantly". He continued: Blessings offered, but rejected, are no longer blessings, but become like the talent hid in the earth … the blessing is bestowed on those who will receive and occupy; for unto him that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundantly, but unto him that hath not or will not receive, shall be taken away that which he hath, or might have had."

Some think Joseph Smith never lived it

Many within the remnant movement began by God thru Denver Snuffer try to think the PM is was not lived by Joseph Smith, or if it was, they do not understand it all.

Didn't Denver Snuffer state that Joseph obtained his election for being obedient to this command? Snuffer also stated that 132 is a collection of about at least 5 other revelations and not something put together by Brigham (though he might have edited some things). In PTHG he states that PM IS a possibility but only under two authorized by God ways: by command or allowance.

DS recently stated that King David was given wives by God, by the younger prophet Nathan and other prophets as well (defeats the misunderstood one man over all with those keys idea).

We are trying to get back to the ancient patriarchal priesthood that was at first, correct?

Abraham who sits on God's throne (and whose bosom most all the world tries to get back into) obtained the Head Patriarch office after becoming a polygamist, correct?

Polygamist Jacob renamed Israel bore the 12 sons of Israel with 4 wives and the Patriarchal Heir was even chosen from his plural wife Rachel, correct?

AND Snuffer recently stated that the patriarchal family order of God (which has hardly been upon the earth through this entire cycle of time) continued for 4 more of Abraham's sons after him, correct?

The children of these ancient families of God on earth (12 tribes with God trying to get them back to the ancient order with a few prophets like Moses, righteous Kings, etc), including most of us if not all, and even Christ Himself have all descended from a long family history of polygamists in the biblical record, correct?

Did not God state often to prophets past that He IS "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob"? God stating He is a God of these ancient polygamists?

This possibility (not a requirement, sorry Brigham Young followers) is a small part of the ancient order. It is a part of a large picture that allows a righteous man to be allowed to build up and bring family into the Kingdom of God, which builds up God's glory.

Even if some want to try to think Joseph never lived it and that stalwarts like HCK, BFJ, Joseph's plural wives themselves and others of Joseph's closest friends were all liers, then bible history still proves to the contrary.

Presiding Patriarch Necessary?

King David and Solomon were righteous kings for a time. Their excess and vain ambition brought them down, not their living what God gave and allowed at first. They were not Patriarchal heads, and there was no (mortal) Head Patriarch over an organized family of God in those days, but there were prophets who became such because of their own connection and election by God. So, it can be concluded that the one anointed and appointed in the office of Presiding Patriarch is not required to begin structuring families, or little patriarchal families in plural marital fashion. But, there can be many prophets at the same time, with actual revelation from the Lord who can. These things have been confused all thru church history and the D&C collections.

DS recently stated, the HSP can be given to a man as an office. I know that he is referring to the head Patriarch Presiding Office (can then be passed down from father to son ie Adam or Abraham and sons, what God was trying to do with Joseph and Hyrum but lost). When there is not such an order in place (no head Patriarch in a group setting who can rightly give sealing power or patriarchal priesthood to heads of families under him in ordinance form or perform finalizing HSP sealings), then as DS stated, God stands in that office. God can grant those things when the full order is not available. God can give the holy promise of eternal life to men and women at any age, even when group systems or the full patriarchal order is not in place. Many can hold that promise and election, which such requires Holy Priesthood to be given/re-activated/held, and can even hold sealing power (search "The Power of God's Word" blog post by Snuffer), even when the familial Patriarchal order is not fully in place. If those men like the prophets in King David's time, are allowed or commanded via actual revelation from the Lord, then they can perform plural marriages for others outside their family. To perform a plural marriage sealing for someone outside their own immediate family, well that is likely another issue.

So there are those who do hold that holy promise (Calling and Election) today, even as DS has also stated (speaking to attendees at the Ephraim talk he said "there are those of you who have had your calling and elections made sure. Trust the word of God to you"). When people obtain that standing, they obtain other things as well. They can learn more about that, by inquiring and thru revelation.

How else can God later gather and organize "His family" (sealed into it by Him) into a Patriarchal order/group? This is what every one of us should be striving for with God personally right now in order to be gathered in an organized Patriarchal Order on earth.

A mortal Presiding Patriarch, when here and available, can hold authority in a group to act as one with the HSP authority/office and then can do sealings and grant eternal promises in ordinance form in an actual accepted temple. We do not have that in our day, yet.

When that fullness is not here, Holy Priesthood and Sealing Power can still be had/granted to individuals, from God (why DS teaches to go to Him for such things in our day). DS has stated that this is a seperate deal from a fuller order (I call fullness of priesthood order) of the Patriarchal System(one man on earth at a time office).

This is how the prophets became prophets in the bible and BOM when the full Patriarchal Order was not on the earth among mortals. They trusted scriptural experiences, became connected with the Lord directly, and then given promises and sealing power by the voice of God direct to use within their immediate families and sometimes outside it as directed by God. People obtaining revelation, C&E and sealing power (doing the works of Abraham) is required in order for God can even restore the full Patriarchal Order back to the earth in any age. If people can still obtain Holy Priesthood and Sealing Power despite group patriarchal failures past or present, so can nearly anyone in any period of time. A group gathering and adoption into a familial Holy Order of such individuals may or may not take place on earth in their lifetimes. It surely should be an aspiration that such can occur.

Nathan and other prophets who existed at the same time in the days of David, who gave David his plural wives, shows that many can hold some limited authority at the same time (not just one man like one who holds the HSP within the Presiding Patriarchal office – see D&C 132:7) and it appears that by actual revelation that they can perform plural marriages (for others outside their family, if they accept his authority from God). I was once told months ago something to this effect in revelation, but I found it too difficult a possibility to understand, thinking that each person should obtain promises and sealing authority within their own family and be guided to do what ever it is they are instructed to do and how to go about it, until a greater patriarchal order can be established… so I set it aside. Then DS goes and points the information out about King David in scripture last week and it begins to unfold as I ponder further. That happens alot the past five years since I began reading all his stuff and had email communications with him. That is how I know he is a prophet and servant of God (I was told in 2010 that he was, but the knowing and proofs come later in hindsight) called to do the work he is trying to help others see without actually saying it. I already knew all the prophecies about the restoring of Zion in the last days. I was already searching for a people (which I never found in those days) who would be used to do such. I had already been awoken and on the personal suffering path to Christ and starting small communications with Him and was already being taught by Him in many different ways. The things personally learned and heard have jived with what DS later said. Everything. Even the couple times he has said things at the time seemed to me to go against former revelation, later I saw the wise use of his words, so still everything has been eye to eye so far. I know he has much more experience and knowledge on these things, in which I hope we can all obtain. But I see the pattern. It has been amazing to watch over the past five years.

But there are not any good examples of people living it…

I have investigated mormon fundamentalists years ago. I see so many living PM wrong, but I have seen some living it ok. Some of their women (along with reading the writings of Joseph's plural wives and LDS women in church history) are the very ones who helped me to see that it could be an ok marital system for them. So many of them swore up and down, even independents who are outside groups who claim the only almighty authority, that they would only marry a man who would live that structure. They loved the sisterhood, they liked the structure. Though I still struggle with thinking about them working through jeolousy and sharing their time, I can only see it being overcome with massive love, trust and respect for their sister wives and husband.

Happily living it doesn't fully qualify or justify them to live it. There must be justification and allowance/command by God.

I am sure you are aware, relationships are a work in progress. Even our monogomous ones need continual and careful work to be successful. Even if a monogomous or polygamous family starts out right, any individual within those relationships could err in the future. Individual errors is not evidence that the entire system must be wrong. Are we going to start preaching that monogomy should be avoided because of individual errors that exist in that structure? Zion? Patriarchal Order on earth?

There are many biblical stories of patriarchs, prophets and people living it. We likely do not have all the failures and successes of plural families mentioned there. We do not know if all of Jacobs 4 wives had problems with it. If you like BY, then him and early church leaders taught that Adam came down with 3 wives. It is not always a requirement. Fun tidbit: there could be Adam's and Eve's used to begin the next creation period with or without plural wives.

Here is a good website that shows all the many people living PM in the bible, including Moses: http://www.biblicalpolygamy.com/polygamists/

It can be lived right, under justification by God, like Jacob 2 and D&C 132 talks about. Otherwise people should avoid those things or it will be a cursing rather than a blessing. When priest craft and familial abuse is the norm in any day like ours, it can harm women and children, and that I fully detest no matter what the cause. Then I also agree like in Jacob chapter 2, that these things should not be had. First we need to over come and brush off all the mortal dirt we have accumulated off ourselves.

Some think Plural Marriage is only for mortality, and not for eternity

If Jacob's four wives are not sealed to him for time AND eternity, then how on earth can God try to gather from all the 12 tribes/sons of Israel in the coming future? Should God only attempt to regather only the seed of Leah, Jacob's first wife? Joseph and his son Ephraim (last known to really hold the Presiding Patriarch office on earth) come from Jacob's plural wife Rachel. Saying this family cannot be eternal, just does not jive. God plans to gather anyone from within any of the seed of Jacob. They must be a sealed eternal family of God in order for that to occur. I think such an idea unravels the whole ordeal. I think Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph Smith and all the others hope they can keep all their wives and all their children in their eternal families.

See my comments in the next section about what Joseph Smith taught and did that also refutes this idea.

What a horrible thing for a woman who loved a polygamist and was sealed to him for eternity, to later be told that, never mind, what God allowed Joseph Smith, Abraham or Jacob or King David to do… he only gets to keep one and the rest stay single as the angels forever.

Why are some so afraid of women having more rights and choice on which man or Patriarch they choose to associate with for time and eternity?

Even modern church leaders hope to eternally be with all the wives they were "sealed" to in mortality (those wives who died and the man was remarried and sealed to others after). They still talk about it, and still allow men to be sealed eternally to more than one woman (but limit it to one living woman at a time).

The Nemenhah record

The Nemenhah book has some good stuff in it, which I believe has been put together by someone putting together a fictional story with many truths found from scripture and Mormon history. But it contradicts Patriarch's building their families through PM, and the Head Patriarchal Heir office going down through sons of polygamists or plural wives. It contradicts Joseph saying that God does things that are eternal. God sees us as if we are already in eternity. It contradict's Joseph Smith's theology. He did have sealing power and holy priesthood and helped his polygamist brother Hyrum to become the next head Patriarch, but it was lost with his death (he did not bless another son in his stead prior for it to even continue). It contradicts what Joseph did tell those women he proposed to. He in fact sealed some already married women to himself, but to have in eternity. He also told his other plural wives that they would be with him eternally, including their families. What a crime and reproach for those women to find themselves alone without their husband and Patriarch after becoming part of an eternal family in mortality! This is why BY, HCK, BFJ, WC and all the others who were living it in Nauvoo with Joseph kept it alive. They wanted to defend Joseph's teachings and have large eternal families to expand the glory and kingdom of God. BY and those after Joseph died, confused on so many things, just later taught and went about things with their own understandings, and I don't think Joseph ever fully explained his full understandings on the matter to them prior. But I do think they still had some correct understandings, but needed more. They were busy trying to escape with their lives and run to the rockies and set up a new "kingdom" there. God can only preserve that which is by Him, otherwise if of man, it can be lost.

Joseph Smith in fact was commanded to live it as Denver stated. He in fact planned to publicly tell the church who his plural wives already were and live openly with them once he headed to the rockies. I am sure he planned to have a large patriarchal family of his own with all of his wives, while Hyrum (with his 3 wives) was the Head Patriarch with the HSP office. Just as our two great Patriarch's of old had.

Yes, Hyrum, Head Patriarch of the last days was living plurality (had 3 wives at the time: Mary, Mercy and Catherine) along with Joseph Smith, his multi-polygamist brother:

United States of America,
State of Utah.
County of Salt Lake.

Catherine Phillips Smith, being first sworn, says:

I am the daughter of Thomas Denner and Sarah Godshall Phillips, and was born in Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, [p70] on the first day of August, 1819. My present residence is East Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah.

I was married to Hyrum Smith, brother of the Prophet Joseph Smith, as his plural wife, and lived with him as his wife. The sealing was performed by the Prophet Joseph Smith himself, in Nauvoo, State of Illinois, in August, 1843, in the brick office belonging to my husband, and occupied at the time as a dwelling by Brother and Sister Robert and Julia Stone, and was witnessed by my mother, Sister Stone and her daughter Hettie.

In consequence of the strong feeling manifested at the time against plural marriage and those suspected of having entered into it, I, with my mother, moved to St. Louis near the close of the year, where I was living when the Prophet Joseph and my husband were martyred.

The purpose of this affidavit is that my testimony to the truthfulness and divinity of plural marriage may live after I shall have passed away; and in this spirit I commend it to all to whom it may come.

Catherine Phillips Smith.

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th day of January, 1903.


L. John Nuttall, Notary Public.

Eliza R Snow:

"When first plural marriage was suggested to me . . . I would not listen to the matter. The idea was repugnant, abhorrent. I was like any other young woman who had beaux and suitors for her hand. I wanted to share a husband with no woman. But I was told it was God's command, and I went to God and asked God to enlighten me, and he did. I saw and felt that plural marriage was not only right, but that it was the only true manner of living up to the gospels and I quenched my womanly emotions and entered the order1 In Nauvoo I first understood that the practice of plurality of wives was to be introduced into the church. The subject was very repugnant to my feelings—so directly was it in opposition to my educated prepossessions, that it seemed as though all the prejudices of my ancestors for generations past congregated around me: But when I reflected that I was living in the Dispensation of the fulness of times, embracing all other Dispensations, surely Plural Marriage must necessarily be included, and I consoled myself with the idea that it was far in the distance, and beyond the period of my mortal existence. It was not long however, after I received the first intimation, before the announcement reach me that the "set time" had come—that God had commanded his servants to establish the order, by taking additional wives—I knew that God . . . was speaking. . . . As I increased in knowledge concerning the principle and design of Plural Marriage, I grew in love with it. . . .

I was sealed to the Prophet, Joseph Smith, for time and eternity, in accordance with the Celestial Law of Marriage which God has revealed—the ceremony being performed by a servant of the Most High—authorized to officiate in sacred ordinances. This, one of the most important circumstances of my life, I have never had cause to regret.

From: http://josephsmithspolygamy.org/history-2/plural-wives-overview/eliza-r-snow/#link_ajs-fn-id_2-5614

1877 letter from Eliza R Snow to Daniel Munns, an RLDS member:

You ask (referring to Pres. Smith), "Did he authorize or practice spiritual wifery? Were you a spiritual wife?'I certainly shall not acknowledge myself of having been a carnal one" . . . . I am personally and intimately acquainted with several ladies now living in Utah who accepted the pure and sacred doctrine of plural marriage, and were the bona fide wives of Pres. Joseph Smith."



Territory of Utah, 
County of Iron.

} ss.

Be it remembered on this first day of August A. D. 1883, personally appeared before me John W. Brown a notary public in and for said county, Almira W. Johnson Smith Barton who was by me sworn in due form of law, and upon her oath says: I am a citizen in the Territory of Utah, over the age of twenty-one years, and I am the daughter of Ezekiel Johnson and Julia Hills Johnson his wife; that I was born at Westford, in the State of Vermont on the 22nd day of October A. D. 1813; that I had nine brothers who were named respectfully Joel H., Seth, David, Benjamin F., Joseph E., Elmer, George W., William D. and Amos; and six sisters named respectfully Nancy, Dulcena, Julia, Susan, Mary and Esther, all of whom, with myself, were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [p71] with the exception of Elmer, who died in infancy.

Deponent further says, that in the years 1842 and 1843, I resided most of the time at Macedonia, in the County of Hancock, State of Illinois, sometimes with my sister who was the wife of Almon W. Babbitt, and sometimes with my brother Benjamin F. Johnson. During that time the Prophet Joseph Smith taught me the principle of celestial marriage including plurality of wives and asked me to become his wife. He first spoke to me on this subject at the house of my brother Benjamin F. I also lived a portion of the time at Brother Joseph Smith's in Nauvoo, when many conversations passed between him and myself on this subject. On a certain occasion in the spring of the year 1843, the exact date of which I do not now recollect, I went from Macedonia to Nauvoo to visit another of my sisters, the one who was the widow of Lyman R. Sherman, deceased, at which time I was sealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. At the time this took place Hyrum Smith, Joseph's brother, came to me and said I need not be afraid. I had been fearing and doubting about the principle and so had he, but he now knew it was true. After this time I lived with the Prophet Joseph Smith as his wife, and he visited me at the home of my brother Benjamin F. at Macedonia.

Deponent further says that I had many conversations with Eliza Beaman who was also a wife of Joseph Smith, and who was present when I was sealed to him, on the subject of plurality of of wives, both before and after the performance of that ceremony. And also that since the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith I was married for time to Reuben Barton of Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Ill., by whom I have had five daughters, one only of whom is now living.

Almira W. Johnson Smith Barton.

Subscribed and sworn to by the said Almira W. Johnson Smith Barton the day and year first above written.


John,W. Brown, Notary Public.


Orson Pratt quote from: http://josephsmithspolygamy.org/joseph-smiths-reasons/#link_ajs-fn-id_21-56

Again, it was a law of the ancient Priesthood, and is again restored, that a man who is faithful in all things, may, by the word of the Lord, through the administration of one holding the keys to bind on earth and heaven, receive and secure to himself, for time and all eternity, more than one wife. Thus did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the Patriarchs and Prophets of old. The principle object contemplated by this law, is the multiplication of the children of good and worthy fathers, who will teach them the truth, and train them in the holy principles of salvation. This is far preferable to sending them into the world in the lineage of an unworthy or ignorant parentage, to be educated in error, folly ignorance and crime."21


More affidavits: http://www.imagesoftherestoration.org/blog/wp-content/pages/plural_marriage_affidavits.htm

Must read history on the matter:

http://www.biblicalpolygamy.com/polygamists/http://josephsmithspolygamy.org/joseph-smiths-reasons/- Brian Hales

3 Volume Set of "Joseph Smith's Polygamy" by Brian Hales
An Intimate Chronicle, The Intimate Journals of William Clayton
Mormon Polygamy A History by Richard S Van Wagoner
The Persistence of Polygamy -by Newell Bringhurst and Craig Foster
The Women of Mormondom – Edward Tullidge 1877
Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling, Richard Bushman

What I would like to see for now

I see divisions and contention on the matter. Usually those who are against it are those filled with the most harsh responses, the most anger and then segregational/divisional behavior (us unbelievers on this side, you unbelievers go away). I would like to at least see those things end even if some don't agree with thousands of years of history we have on the matter, including the latter days with Joseph, and even modern writings by Snuffer. I have tried years ago to put this principle down as an error of man. Once I heard Joseph had 34 wives, I really was disgusted (because of my own traditions and lack of historical knowledge) thinking of men living such a marital structure. I had yet to research history on the matter. I had yet to really ponder or think through such an idea, let alone pray for the truth and then begin research. That topic, along with seeing Zion fled and wanting it back, are what sparked my initial serious research and sincere pleadings with God, which later helped me to awaken and (begin to) connect with heaven on my own. I did not know what I would come to know. I hardly believe some of the many things I have come to hear and know myself since 2008, but I have come to doubt my own doubt with further clarifications, studies, revelations, experiences, words by other great prophets like Snuffer, and proofs over time. Isn't this how it is supposed to go for us all? Isn't this how we come to to see eye to eye? To become as little children, or be open and willing to relearn some things? Or do we just go with our own feelings, thoughts and traditions, and set up stakes between us and God? Become a law unto ourselves, then teach those falsely assumed ideas or laws and share those with the world as if the commandments and ways of God?

And everything that is in the world, whether it be ordained of men, by thrones, or principalities, or powers, or things of name, whatsoever they may be, that are not by me or by my word, saith the Lord, shall be thrown down, and shall not remain after men are dead, neither in nor after the resurrection, saith the Lord your God." (D&C 132:13).

Therefore, if a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me nor by my word, and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world" (D&C 132:15)

No Presiding Patriarch exists any where. The LDS church and it's break off's are confused and do not have this authority in our day.

Seek from the Lord, that which so many clamor after men who faim claim it by tradition and/or ignorance.