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A New Heart in Christ
A new and better life following Jesus Christ
Posted on
January 5, 2019
February 4, 2019
by admin
Learning the Love of God by His Light

The Gods
God is love. Our Heavenly Parents (God) want us to be like them. This meaning, to become one with Them in unconditional love. It’s Their power and glory. To truly love is to have Their fullness of joy or all of Their blessings. This includes eternal life, have eternal families, to live forever in Their loving presence, to be like Them, even Gods. Gods… Beings who learned how to never withhold love, no matter the individual or circumstance. This omnibenevolence/charity enables the power of the Gods and is what gives Them (and us hopefully on that perfect day) Their power. All power of the Gods or our Heavenly Parents revolves around this power or love that’s been perfected. The point of it all
I believe this means the gospel of Jesus Christ, The entire Plan of Salvation, The Fall, birth, death the reason behind all veils, is for helping us obtain one thing. Love.
The purpose of everything is so we can learn to love, the way God loves. This occurs when the motivation behind the love obtained is driven by love for the source of all love… How to obtain this Love?
In order to learn how to really love and so obtain Heaven, They (our Heavenly Parents) gave us the perfect gift; the way back to Them. This gift has a few parts to it. First it is a Being, even Jesus Christ. Christ, the Son of God, who already obtained a perfect love, volunteered to come back down from the Heaven He previously earned (out of love for us and His Heavenly Parents) to perform an eternal sacrifice called The Atonement. This Atonement allows us who are imperfect to use Christ’s Grace (the love of all things for Him) and to become At-One-Ment with Him. In order to do this we each have been given a part of His Glory or Light. If we choose to submit to this guiding light, known as The Light of Christ (our conscience) we will eventually be led back to Heaven and along this Christ led path learn how to truly love like our Heavenly Parents and exemplar, Jesus Christ.
We all know this Light of Christ. In it’s beginning stages it’s simply known as our conscience. To properly sync ourselves with Christ and become “at one” with Him we need but ask a very simple question and listen to this thing we call our conscience: “What is thy will Lord?”
Then we will receive a prompting, a feeling to do something. Or at least be able to recognize “the right thing” we should be doing when we ask this question to ourselves. This is personal revelation, submitting our will to Christ, giving the one gift back to God that is truly our own to give.
NOTE: When we ask this simple question to ourselves we may not get a direct answer but instead have a clear mind allowing us to reason out the best thing to do or think. It could be as simple as making our bed, doing the dishes, or checking on the kids playing downstairs… Confirmation Prayer
Before acting on the prompting we do a quick mental prayer to Heavenly Father to make sure it is His will as well: “Heavenly Father I received this prompting, is it correct?”
If the answer is yes or peace follows or we keep our “clear mind” or all the above then there we have it, two separate witnesses for the prompting, Christ and Heavenly Father. Now…. we go and do it.
And are on the path going up. Or…
If Confusion Follows Prayer
If we feel immediate confusion after we say a quick prayer to God, or lose train of thought or feel a lack of peace, we can drop the prompting. Probably wasn’t from the right source. We can clear our mind and start again with the beginning step.
This simple process can literally be applied to everything in life we want to be better at (so everything 😉 ). What to eat, when to sleep, how to workout, who to talk to, who not to talk to. Etc.
We now have a life coach that is perfect. He will help guide us in all things. By following His Light we will always be doing the best thing in the best place at the right time in order for us to become our best self.
Soon this mental process of seeking His Light and personal revelation through submission and prayer becomes a part of us and we are now tapped into the “great secret” or “Pandora’s box” of the universe. Who would have thought that it was accessible in our head the entire time. Love vs withholding Love
Now, another way to be sure a prompting is from God is to work it out in our minds and if love is the motive behind the prompting then it is very likely from God and if “withholding love” is the motivation then it is not. Remember, God is love. Any justification to withhold love is referred to as “The Spirit of Contention” in the New Testament and Book of Mormon, this is pride, jealousy, anger, lust, loathing, etc.
In other words one voice always lifts us and others to Heaven and the other always drags us and others down. We think these voices are our own that are in our head but they are not. More on the voices later. Continuing to follow the Light of Christ
Time and deadlines are no longer applicable when this new life under His Light begins. If we have not received the “New Heart” or “Baptism of Fire” we soon will. Walking in His Light is the sunshine that will grow our very souls, until we are “reborn” and the worries and sins of yesterday are gone forever. Every action we do now is following “the third eye” or by receiving personal revelation. “Time” is a law for this world (a telestial world) to live by which we don’t anymore, sure we come in and out of it but it’s just a tool now, a reminder to do His will instead (the law of the celestial world). Remember, time is no longer our master, He is, and He is above time.
We are now living according to His will, the “celestial law”, the Way of Charity. Charity is the triangle that never faileth, we do acts of love for another, guided by Him and for Him and so them, so we live the first great commandment and the second great commandment at the same time. Love God, love your neighbor. We can only have charity by following His Light, without Him, it’s not the triangle of charity, just a line. He never faileth and if He is the foundation for our love then our love will never fail. This is the love called Charity, this love motivated by the source of all Love.
We will soon come to realize His Light never guides to more than we can do. We should never feel overwhelmed. It’s perfect for our growth and pace. We always feel fulfilled (opposite of addictions, never feel fulfilled afterwards, they control us. We submit to Him always by choice so we always feel fulfillment), knowing we are doing the best possible thing for our progression in that moment. The burdens of live become so much easier, His burden is surprisingly light (see that pun 😉).
He takes our stress and anxiety. If we feel either we are being deceived to not trust Him and need to resubmit (prayer to God and resubmitting all to Him is key) to get back on His simple path. Our life, our will, has been turned over to the One Being who can save us from ourselves.
We’ll get the feeling occasionally that we aren’t quite human anymore, that we are something more with Him. We are. We are now playing a part in becoming and creating a higher, better world, we are a part of the body of Christ, His love and hands.
We are nothing without Him though. The moment we forget that we will slip and fall. We will wander in darkness.
If a decision or thing or person falls outside of His path of light let’s let go of them or it and trust Him to take care of whatever it is. He knows when the best time will be to return to help when we have the strength or if someone else is better for it. Let’s trust Him completely. This “let go” is usually much harder than the simple “DOs” and “DO NOTs”, the “YESes” and the “NOs”. He knows what’s best for us and for all involved in our life. We can’t grasp this yet, we need to trust He who is perfect. His guiding Light will bless us and anyone who comes in contact or out of contact with us. Let’s seek His guidance in all things, including how to handle all relationships. Understanding Promptings
We don’t always understand the promptings. That’s why we need to check every prompting in continuous prayer and occasionally fast when prompted to (the temptations and addictions will never tell us to fast or pray because it literally pushes those desires out with humility, hunger and thirst). We will need to go by faith and do it, even if we don’t understand the “why” but know it’s from Him. Once I was prompted to stand in place at a county fair and look at everyone’s faces for two hours, and give the occasional nod or smile. It was a hard! I continuously prayed to fight off the “I’m crazy” doubts. Eventually the Spirit said I was done and since then I’ve been taught the “why” of it all, one lesson being, smiling is a very important thing ;).
When we want to know the “why” behind a prompting we can ask God. We don’t always get a definitive answer. We’ll either have the mystery unraveled to the best of our understanding or peace will be given to us through the Holy Ghost to continue on and trust.
The more we seek the Lord the more we’ll find Him, let’s not worry about tomorrow He will take care of it for us (3 Nephi 13:30-34). Let’s just walk His path today and it will lead us into the better tomorrows. The only anxiety that should enter our lives now should be refocusing and resubmitting if we have strayed from the path. Retake a hold of the iron rod if we have let go. Let’s focus on the moment to moment under His guidance. Distinguishing The Voices
1st voice, the light of Christ: The voice that tells us to love and serve and when to do it. We pray and ask “what’s the best thing I should be doing right now” and the first thing to come to our mind is almost always the answer. It’s the voice of our cheerleader, our best self, the real us Christ knows is in there. Christ’s voice is “we and us and together”. He is the voice that condescends to lift us higher, together, as a team. The more we turn to it the more we are guided. In all things. Dishes, driving, relationships, when to eat, when to seep, how to exercise, when to get off of FB, lol… etc..
2nd voice, the opposition: The judgmental without love voice. This voice tells us that we aren’t good enough or we are better than “them”. Etc. it’s the voice of the devil. It’s the voice that’s belittling us. It’s the voice that withholds love and expressions of.
We get tricked at times to think it’s the voice of humility but it’s not. If it leads to depression or telling ourselves we are “worthless” or that we are “better” than everyone else. That’s not from God. God will always lift us and others up. The devil is the preachy, holier than thou voice of “you all need to change” or “they need to change” it guides others or ourselves to depression and self loathing (which leads to numbing addictions, all to simply to get us to turn off His light inside each of us).
3rd voice, our voice: The one that asks “is that the right choice?”, “should I really stop and help?”, “is that really the best use of my time?”. The best use of our questioning voice is to turn it to “questioning prayers”. Asking God to help us figure out the promptings that come our way. If it’s from Him we will receive peace if not, confusion and continual questioning. Addictions
Just to be very clear the Light of Christ has helped me and many others overcome all addictions in every shape and size. Drinking, porn, pills, anxiety, binge shopping, hardcore gaming, you name it. Submitting to Christ and His Light will eventually break the chains of all “lusts and loathings”.
For example, let’s say you are feeling depressed and you want to “go numb” so you go online to binge shop or look at pornography or eat a bag of potato chips. PAUSE. Let’s say a quick prayer, with that little bit of agency we still have before succumbing. Let’s plead to God and ask Him what we can do instead (usually involves getting outside oneself, doing the dishes, calling a friend, etc. 😉 ) then let’s go and do that! Trust Him that we’ll be happier if we do. Eventually His Spirit will cast out the bad thoughts and addictive tendency completely and we will be given a “new heart” that’s above the carnal tendencies of the flesh.
I know from countless personal experiences that if we choose the “good inclination” over the selfish one, miracles will occur, every time. Until the ultimate miracle, we change. We become who we were meant to be. It’s like thinking we are only cut out to be a minimum wage pooper scooper and we find out we actually have the skills inside ourselves to be a world class singer or sports player (you get the idea, this applies to all of us when we submit to His guiding voice). We can’t see all of the little changes at first, a lot are internal, but every single conscious choice to follow the light changes us until we literally are given a new heart with new desires. The Baptism of Fire, New Heart or First Comforter
When we receive the baptism of fire (covered in 2 Nephi 31-32) a large part of the lusts and loathings of the flesh are overcome and are not a part of the “new heart” we receive from Christ. This is so we can focus on overcoming the temptations of the spirit (with the help of the Holy Ghost) called pride. NEVER Give Up
Christ always stands with open arms, it’s up to us to simply not give up on His path for us. No matter what mistake or sin we have committed or will commit. It’s never too late to get back on His path. That’s the point really, to obtain the faith to believe we can repent of all things and His grace will be enough. This Simple
This is the simple straight and narrow way. There’s no other path back to God. This path guided by His Light will lead us to summit the two great mountain peaks of life and receive the rewards awaiting us on each mountain top. They are the first and second Comforters. The first being the Gift of the Holy Ghost. This companionship of the Holy Ghost will greatly enhance the Light of Christ with in-depth revelation now that will guide us to the top of the final mountain top. The Second Comforter, which is Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. In Conclusion
May we all submit and walk the simple plain road and be born anew every day, taking His Light as our guide in all things, and until that perfect day. LybiC
Additional scriptures and helpful insights for the committed
3 Nephi 13:26-34, 1 Nephi 4:6-18, Alma 12:31, Alma 17:3, Alma 32, 2 Nephi 9:10, 19-21, 29, 39-43, 49-53
D&C 84:43 And I now give unto you a commandment to beware concerning yourselves, to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life. 44 For you shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.
45 For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
46 And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.
47 And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father. Additional sources of inspiration:
Preach My Gospel and part 4 “How do I Recognize and Understand the Spirit?”
“Journey to the Veil” and “Following the Light of Christ into His Presence” by John Pontius Additional Insightful Quotes:
“Will you be liable to fall into temptation and overtaken by sin? Yes, unless you live so as to have the revelation of Jesus Christ continually, not only to live in it today or while you are preaching, in a prayer meeting, or in a conference… You must have it all the time—on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and every day through the week, and from year to year, from the time you leave home until you return…”

“How will perfection be obtained? By all persons in the Kingdom of God living so as to be revelators from the heavens for themselves and for all they preside over, that everything they have to perform in this life– every worldly care and duty, and all their walk and conversation before each other and before the Lord, may be marked out by the spirit of revelation. Is this the way to perfection? It is. This is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; this is the Gospel of life and salvation.” -Brigham Young
Brigham Young also said:
“Some will inquire, ‘Do you suppose we shall finish the temple Brother Brigham?’ I have had such questions put to me already. My answer is, I do not know and I do not care any more about it than I should if my body was dead and in the grave and my spirit in Paradise. I never have cared but for one thing, and that is, simply to know that I am now right before my Father in Heaven. If I am this moment, this day, doing the things God requires of my hands, and precisely where my Father in Heaven wanted me to be, I care no more about tomorrow than though it never would come.”
– A Sermon by President B. Young, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, April 6, 1853, at the General Conference. The Law of the Celestial Kingdom
From Bro John Pontius, “Journey to the Veil” Loc 698-734 on Kindle
If I knew I were going to die tomorrow, and I could take one truth from my heart and plant it into my children and grandchildren’s hearts and minds, this is what it would be: The law of the celestial kingdom. It has taken me half a lifetime to acquire this knowledge, and the other half to understand how powerful and invaluable this knowledge is. Besides the fact that Jesus is the Christ, this is quite literally the most important thing I know… This… is the Light of Christ or the source of all truth… or is the law of the celestial kingdom.
When we choose to be governed by the voice of Christ, we will be preserved, perfected, and sanctified by the same. Grab hold of the iron rod of personal revelation and obey the law of the celestial kingdom. The Lord will help and empower you every step of the way.
When anyone sets his or her heart on a course of obedience (to the Light of Christ) and taps daily into the empowerment and grace available through the Atonement of Christ (by the Light of Christ), they will soon accomplish all of this much more quickly than they ever thought possible.
A commitment to total obedience (to the Light of Christ) will blast you off so fast and high that it will be breathtaking, with a spiritual height that’s unimaginable, and the promised blessings will be very near. (Doctrine & Covenants 88:6-29).

Art by J. Kirk Richards

Tagsaddiction, Brigham Young, charity, first comforter, God, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Parents, holy ghost, jesus, Jesus Christ, john pontius, Joseph Smith, lds, Light of Christ, lightofchrist, love, love of god, overcoming addictions, overcoming anxiety, redeemer, savior, second comforter, the book of mormon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the light of Christ 3 Replies to “Learning the Love of God by His Light”
1. TSJ says: 
January 10, 2019 at 1:22 pm 

My favourite part:
“For example, let’s say you are feeling depressed and you want to “go numb” so you go online to binge shop or look at pornography or eat a bag of potato chips. PAUSE. Let’s say a quick prayer, with that little bit of agency we still have before succumbing. Let’s plead to God and ask Him what we can do instead (usually involves getting outside oneself, doing the dishes, calling a friend, etc. 😉 ) then let’s go and do that! Trust Him that we’ll be happier if we do. Eventually His Spirit will cast out the bad thoughts and addictive tendency completely and we will be given a “new heart” that’s above the carnal tendencies of the flesh.”
It’s this kind of vulnerability that brings the anecdotal to the very intimate and personal relatable moments we share in life. Thanks Josh for having the courage to share…you have made a difference.

2. Troy Fullmer says: 
January 12, 2019 at 3:15 pm 

Absolutely beautiful and inspiring Josh!!
Love you and your family so bey much.

1. admin says: 
January 13, 2019 at 2:00 am 

Thank you Troy! We love you and yours as well. Hope all is well in the boxing arena! 

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