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A New Heart in Christ
A new and better life following Jesus Christ
Posted on
February 4, 2019
February 4, 2019
by admin
Zion included in One Eternal Round
(excerpts and partial summary mainly in my own words of Chapter 2 of The Triumph of Zion by John Pontius)
“In physics we have the term coined by Einstein, ‘unified field theory’. It is an attempt to unite all other forces and interactions of nature into a single theory, explaining not only the nature of all things, but also how to control and manipulate them. This theory has proved elusive and has been the ‘Holy Grail’ for physicists.”
We must believe as followers of Christ and members of His restored church we have the grand key to this “unified field theory”. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ. President Howard W. Hunter observed:
“With God our Heavenly Father, all truth, wherever found or however apprehended, is circumscribed into one great whole. Ultimately, there are no contradictions, no quarrels, no inscrutable paradoxes, no mysteries.”
In other words we believe all truth belongs to the gospel, or the gospel of Christ encompasses all truth. “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (D&C 35:3)
His course is “one eternal round” (Alma 7:22)
In order to “learn all things” and become like God there is a proper order He has given us for obtaining knowledge, this is by following and submitting to God’s plan of salvation, even Jesus Christ. 2 Nephi 31:11 And the Father said: Repent ye, repent ye, and be baptized in the name of my Beloved Son. 2 Nephi 31:15 And I heard a voice from the Father, saying: Yea, the words of my Beloved are true and faithful.
With our finite minds we can’t grasp how these gospel principles of faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, etc. are actually the path also to perfectly learning math, biology, physics, etc. or the only real way to learning Einstein’s “unified field theory”.
Eventually if Einstein wants to find his theory, he will need to submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, If not too bright Jimmy down the street does and takes the Holy Spirit as his guide to lead him through the restored steps of the gospel of Jesus Christ and if Einstein does not then one day little ol Jimmy will know a lot more “science” than Einstein.
In many of our minds the gospel of Jesus Christ is seperate from what we call modern day science. In God’s mind they are one in the same. Quoting President Hunter again, “all truth… is circumscribed into one great whole.”
Outside of the sciences and back within the “gospel scope” many church members have a hard time even grasping the higher doctrinal “gospel steps” and promises further up the staircase after baptism. Obtaining “Zion status” being one of these higher steps.
“The point is… what happened to Enoch is an ordained part of the gospel. It wasn’t unique to Enoch. What happened to Lehi wasn’t a one-time event. What happened to the brother of Jared (can and) will happen again, and again, and again.”
“The principles, blessings, and miracles of Lehi’s life (Nephi’s, Alma’s, etc.) have occurred many times before and will continue in every generation of time forever… I am speaking of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which never changes. If Lehi saw visions, so may we. If Enoch was translated, so may we be, if we obey the same laws Enoch obeyed.”
The staircase to what Enoch did and the Zion (and all knowledge available in Zion) he achieved is all there and ready to climb before us. No stairs are missing. Taking the Holy Spirit as our guide or submission to the “Celestial Law” (following the Light of Christ and being taught by the Holy Ghost) we can climb the “fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ” staircase all the way to the very top. And, eventually… learn all things.
2 Nephi 32:5 For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.
If we do this the Holy Ghost will eventually teach us how to establish Zion (maybe not physically at first but spiritually, then physically when specifically guided by the current prophet)
“When Zion succeeds, it exists first as a small group of individuals who believe that prophet, who obey gospel principles and ordinances, and obtain a Zion state (ONLY by the Holy Ghost 2 Nephi 32:5) in their souls. They are later gathered into a city or center place.”
If we take the Holy Spirit as our guide and submit to the Celestial Law then it will lead us to Zion.
D&C 105:5 And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.
“Elder Orson Pratt calls translation and resurrection ‘among the first principles of the plan of salvation’ and also ‘the first principles of the doctrines of Christ.’… he did not consider translation an obscure doctrine, but one that should be understood and sought after (by you and me).”
(a partial summary and excerpts of The Triumph of Zion chapter 2 by John Pontius along with some of my own words ;))
“In physics we have the term coined by Einstein, ‘unified field theory’. It is an attempt to unite all other forces and interactions of nature into a single theory, explaining not only the nature of all things, but also how to control and manipulate them. This theory has proved elusive and has been the ‘Holy Grail’ for physicists.”
We must believe as followers of Christ and members of His restored church we have the grand key to this “unified field theory”. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ. President Howard W. Hunter observed:
“With God our Heavenly Father, all truth, wherever found or however apprehended, is circumscribed into one great whole. Ultimately, there are no contradictions, no quarrels, no inscrutable paradoxes, no mysteries.”
In other words we believe all truth belongs to the gospel, or the gospel of Christ encompasses all truth. “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (D&C 35:3)
His course is “one eternal round” (Alma 7:22)
In order to “learn all things” and become like God there is a proper order He has given us for obtaining knowledge, this is by following and submitting to God’s plan of salvation, even His Son, Jesus Christ. 2 Nephi 31:11 And the Father said: Repent ye, repent ye, and be baptized in the name of my Beloved Son. 2 Nephi 31:15 And I heard a voice from the Father, saying: Yea, the words of my Beloved are true and faithful.
Often with our finite, mortal minds we can’t grasp how these gospel principles of faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, etc. are actually the path also to perfectly learning math, biology, physics, etc. or the only real way to learning Einstein’s “unified field theory”.
Eventually if Einstein wants to find his theory, he will need to submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, If not too bright Jimmy down the street does and takes the Holy Spirit as his guide to lead him through the restored steps of the gospel of Jesus Christ and if Einstein never does then one day little ol Jimmy will know a lot more “science” than Einstein.
In many of our minds the gospel of Jesus Christ is separate from what we call modern day science. In God’s mind they are one in the same.
Quoting President Hunter again, “all truth… is circumscribed into one great whole.”
Outside of the worldly sciences and back within the “gospel scope” many church members (including myself) have a hard time even grasping the higher doctrinal “gospel steps” and promises further up the staircase after baptism that are within the “one great whole”. Obtaining “Zion status” being one of these higher steps.
“The point is… what happened to Enoch is an ordained part of the gospel. It wasn’t unique to Enoch. What happened to Lehi wasn’t a one-time event. What happened to the brother of Jared (can and) will happen again, and again, and again.”
“The principles, blessings, and miracles of Lehi’s life (Nephi’s, Alma’s, etc.) have occurred many times before and will continue in every generation of time forever… I am speaking of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which never changes. If Lehi saw visions, so may we. If Enoch was translated, so may we be, if we obey the same laws Enoch obeyed.”
The staircase to what Enoch did and the Zion he achieved (and all knowledge available in Zion and beyond) is all there and ready to climb before us. No stairs are missing. Taking the Holy Spirit as our guide or submission to the “Celestial Law” (following the Light of Christ and being taught by the Holy Ghost) we can climb the “fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ” staircase all the way to the very top. And, eventually… learn all things.
2 Nephi 32:5 For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.
If we do this the Holy Ghost will eventually teach us how to establish Zion (maybe not physically at first but mentally/spiritually, then physically when specifically guided by the current prophet)
“When Zion succeeds, it exists first as a small group of individuals who believe that prophet, who obey gospel principles and ordinances, and obtain a Zion state (ONLY by the Holy Ghost 2 Nephi 32:5) in their souls. They are later gathered into a city or center place.”
If we take the Holy Spirit as our guide and submit to the Celestial Law then it will lead us to Zion.
D&C 105:5 And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.
“Elder Orson Pratt calls translation and resurrection ‘among the first principles of the plan of salvation’ and also ‘the first principles of the doctrines of Christ.’… he did not consider translation an obscure doctrine, but one that should be understood and sought after (by you and me).”
We must align our belief in ourselves with our faith. Because the doctrine of our faith has Zion in the equation, even the 2nd Comforter.
For to be a “Zion people” simply means we are worthy to live and be in His presence, here on this earth. “LDS Temples” by Bekalyn Craig

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