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◦ How One Latter-day Saint Found Healing in Using Rocks to Create the Stories of JesusTrent Toone, for LDS Living – After going through one of the most devastating times of her life, Patti Rokus found healing and inspiration in rocks. While solo camping in Montana, Rokus was drawn to a dry riverbed featuring rocks of different sizes, shapes and colors. She filled a bucket and took them home, even though she wasn’t sure why. At the same time, Rokus was in the great outdoors to commune with God and find spiritual guidance for what to do next with her life. “Could I do something different from technology and corporate America? Is there something else I could offer the world?” Rokus said….

◦ President Nelson Pens Personal Note of Sympathy to Pope Francis After Notre Dame FireNewsroom – President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote words of comfort and encouragement to Pope Francis in the wake of the devastating fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, April 15, 2019. In his letter, President Nelson expressed profound sadness at the damage done to this sacred structure that has stood for more than 800 years. President Nelson, the leader of a 16.3 million-member faith community, told the Bishop of Rome that his thoughts immediately went to him and the many beloved friends in the Catholic faith. He said he is heartbroken by the tragedy…

◦ Our 21-Day Easter Challenge: We’re Wrapping Up with an Incredible Facebook Live EventLDS Living Staff – For April, LDS Living tried something unprecedented with our virtual monthly book club . This month, we focused on a book that not only offers inspiring thoughts but provides ways to help each of us draw closer to Christ during the three weeks leading up to Easter. Easter is one of those holidays that can be difficult to make meaningful without making things feel forced. But Emily Belle Freeman’s stunning book Closer to Christ , which combines her two best-selling books Becoming His and 21 Days Closer to Christ , helps readers focus on our Savior and invite His influence into…

◦ Watch: What Mary Magdalene Can Teach Us About Easter and Our SaviorLDS Living Staff – For Holy Week, LDS Living is preparing for Easter in two simple ways: 1) by focusing on the events leading up to Easter on our Instagram account @brightly.beams and 2) by releasing a video a day focusing on the perspective of those who witnessed the life and resurrection of our Savior. Here is the fourth video ( watch the first three here ), featuring Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler of Don’t Miss This as they explain what we can learn about Easter and our Savior from Mary Magdalene, the first witness of the Redeemer’s resurrection. ► You’ll also like: …

◦ 7 Stunning Temple Dresses Any Latter-day Saint Woman Would Love to WearLDS Living Staff – Temples are some of the most beautiful places on earth, but the work that takes place inside of them is what makes them sacred. And when you wear a temple dress you feel comfortable in, you’ll be able to concentrate more on the sacred ordinances you’re performing. There are more options now than ever so we’ve pulled together some of our favorites. Olivia Temple Dress Learn more Eliza Temple Dress Learn more Alice Temple Dress Learn more Lucy Temple Dress Learn more Caroline Temple Dress Learn more Charlotte Temple Dress Learn more Sadie Temple Dress Learn more Bonus: Luanne Temple…
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◦ President Nelson Pens Personal Note of Sympathy to Pope Francis After Notre Dame FireNewsroom – President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote words of comfort and encouragement to Pope Francis in the wake of the devastating fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, April 15, 2019. In his letter, President Nelson expressed profound sadness at the damage done to this sacred structure that has stood for more than 800 years. President Nelson, the leader of a 16.3 million-member faith community, told the Bishop of Rome that his thoughts immediately went to him and the many beloved friends in the Catholic faith. He said he is heartbroken by the tragedy…

◦ Watch: What Mary Magdalene Can Teach Us About Easter and Our SaviorLDS Living Staff – For Holy Week, LDS Living is preparing for Easter in two simple ways: 1) by focusing on the events leading up to Easter on our Instagram account @brightly.beams and 2) by releasing a video a day focusing on the perspective of those who witnessed the life and resurrection of our Savior. Here is the fourth video ( watch the first three here ), featuring Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler of Don’t Miss This as they explain what we can learn about Easter and our Savior from Mary Magdalene, the first witness of the Redeemer’s resurrection. ► You’ll also like: …

◦ 7 Stunning Temple Dresses Any Latter-day Saint Woman Would Love to WearLDS Living Staff – Temples are some of the most beautiful places on earth, but the work that takes place inside of them is what makes them sacred. And when you wear a temple dress you feel comfortable in, you’ll be able to concentrate more on the sacred ordinances you’re performing. There are more options now than ever so we’ve pulled together some of our favorites. Olivia Temple Dress Learn more Eliza Temple Dress Learn more Alice Temple Dress Learn more Lucy Temple Dress Learn more Caroline Temple Dress Learn more Charlotte Temple Dress Learn more Sadie Temple Dress Learn more Bonus: Luanne Temple…

◦ Powerful Easter Insights That Will Help You See the Sacrament in a New WayDavid Butler – Join LDS Living, David Butler, and Emily Freeman in a special Easter celebration this week by clicking here . Short daily videos from David and Emily will give you and your family ideas of how to remember and focus on the Savior during this special week. I adore attending church on Easter Sunday. I like all of the kids in their Easter dresses and spring bowties that match with their dads. I like all of the family pictures outside of chapels that fill Instagram. And I love that my kids get sent home with Cadbury and Reese’s mini eggs from Primary….

◦ Latter-day Saint Who Helped Family Escape Burning Home Credits Spirit for Guiding HerDanielle B. Wagner – Latter-day Saint Michelle Tunney was not in the mood to walk her dog, Rocky, when the Spirit prompted her to take a stroll around her neighborhood in Winterset, Iowa. That same day, Tunney learned her 20-year-old daughter had an emergency CT scan after having life-threatening swelling in her brain. Now hospitalized, Tunney’s daughter was at risk of paralysis or death all while caring for a 1-year-old boy with her husband. In addition, Tunney had lost her mother to dementia the month prior. It was an emotionally difficult day for Tunney, who turned to the scriptures to find comfort. “Normally, I can…
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◦ 13 Temple Bags Any Latter-day Saint Woman Will LoveLDS Living Staff – No matter how often you make it to the temple, it’s nice to have a special bag designated just for your temple clothing. Whether your temple bag is getting a little worn out or you’ve never had one, there are plenty of options! Fine craftsmanship and quality details make these bags stylish and functional choices. These bags are perfectly arranged to accommodate temple clothing and even have a little room to spare. Margaret Temple Bag $49.99 Buy Now Grace Temple Bag $69.99 Buy Now Luanne Temple Bag $59.99 Buy Now Amy Temple Bag $59.99 Buy Now Michelle Temple Bag $69.99 Buy…

◦ The Most-Sung Conference Hymn and 3 More Fun Music Facts (+Poll)Kelsey Berteaux – Conference is around the corner—and so’s the chance to listen to the Tabernacle Choir and sing some of our favorite songs. Which hymns might we hear or sing this year? Turns out that some are more popular than others! Check out what we found by combing through the last 21 years of hymns sung in general conference: Top 6 Hymns Sung Across All Sessions: 1 – “High on the Mountain Top” (20 times) 2 – “How Firm a Foundation” (20 times) 3 – “Rejoice, the Lord Is King” (20 times) 4 – “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” (20…

◦ How to Prepare for a Temple Sealing After AdoptingLindsey Redfern of Adoption.com – My husband and I are infertility survivors. After learning that our mortal bodies were not able to create children, our hearts began to turn toward adoption . This decision came with serious prayer, contemplation, and faith. For me, there was even some healthy mourning for the dream of being able to physically carry and deliver a child. Growing up, I remember my mom telling me how spiritual the delivery room was for her when I was born. She testified of feeling so close to heaven. I wanted that for myself but came to realize that this specific experience was not going…

◦ Surviving Columbine: 20 Years Later, Latter-day Saints Tell Their StoriesMorgan Jones – Listen to a special episode of “All In” with Columbine survivor Will Beck by clicking here . Twenty years have passed, but there are a handful of people who still recall every detail of their experience on April 20, 1999. You might also remember where you were that day when you are reminded that April 20, 1999 was the day of the Columbine shooting. It is one of those days that becomes permanently etched in one’s memory. But Latter-day Saints Sarah Green Bush, Laura Green Hall, Will Beck, and Aaron Hancey don’t just remember where they were. To this day, they…

◦ 3 Ways the Book of Mormon Deepens Our Understanding of the AtonementTad Callister, adapted from “A Case for the Book of Mormon” – The Bible is certainly a magnificent witness of Jesus Christ and His divinity, but the crowning witness of the Savior and His Atonement is to be found in the Book of Mormon. Here are some of the ways the Book of Mormon deepens our understanding of Christ’s Atonement. 1. The Power to Comfort Us in Our Afflictions Some might wonder if the Savior’s Atonement plays any part in our lives beyond raising us from the dead and cleansing us of our sins. The Book of Mormon makes clear that it does. Through His Atonement, the Savior acquired the powers to strengthen,…
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An Apostle’s Dream of the Savior Suffering for Us in Gethsemane That Will Deepen Your Understanding of the Atonement byOrson F. Whitney, excerpted from the Improvement Era
Makes You ThinkMormon Life

The following is an account by Orson F. Whitney published in the Improvement Era in January 1926.
One night I dreamed—if dream it may be called—that I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, a witness of the Savior’s agony. I saw Him as plainly as I see this congregation. I stood behind a tree in the foreground, where I could see without being seen. Jesus, with Peter, James, and John, came through a little wicket gate at my right. Leaving the three Apostles there, after telling them to kneel and pray, He passed over to the other side, where He also knelt and prayed. It was the same prayer with which we are all familiar: “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” ([see] Matthew 26:36–44; Mark 14:32–41; Luke 22:42).

As He prayed the tears streamed down His face, which was toward me. I was so moved at the sight that I wept also, out of pure sympathy with His great sorrow. My whole heart went out to Him. I loved Him with all my soul and longed to be with Him as I longed for nothing else.
Presently He arose and walked to where the Apostles were kneeling—fast asleep! He shook them gently, awoke them, and in a tone of tender reproach, untinctured by the least suggestion of anger or scolding, asked them if they could not watch with Him one hour. There He was, with the weight of the world’s sin upon His shoulders, with the pangs of every man, woman, and child shooting through His sensitive soul—and they could not watch with Him one poor hour!
Returning to His place, He prayed again and then went back and found them again sleeping. Again He awoke them, admonished them, and returned and prayed as before. Three times this happened, until I was perfectly familiar with His appearance—face, form, and movements. He was of noble stature and of majestic mien—not at all the weak, effeminate being that some painters have portrayed—a very God among men, yet as meek and lowly as a little child.
All at once the circumstance seemed to change, the scene remaining just the same. Instead of before, it was after the Crucifixion, and the Savior, with those three Apostles, now stood together in a group at my left. They were about to depart and ascend into heaven. I could endure it no longer. I ran out from behind the tree, fell at His feet, clasped Him around the knees, and begged Him to take me with Him.
I shall never forget the kind and gentle manner in which He stooped and raised me up and embraced me. It was so vivid, so real, that I felt the very warmth of His bosom against which I rested. Then He said: “No, my son; these have finished their work, and they may go with me, but you must stay and finish yours.” Still I clung to Him. Gazing up into His face—for He was taller than I—I besought Him most earnestly: “Well, promise me that I will come to You at the last.” He smiled sweetly and tenderly and replied: “That will depend entirely upon yourself.” I awoke with a sob in my throat, and it was morning.

Lead image Agony in the Garden by Frans Schwartz from Wikimedia Commons

Makes You Think Mormon Life Garden Of Gethsemane Savior Jesus ChristGarden Of Gethsemane,Savior,Jesus Christ,Makes You Think Mormon Life Comments and feedback can be sent to feedback@ldsliving.com
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The Thanksgiving This Latter-day Saint Decided to Turn Himself in to Jail
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