Fear and Ascension


Ascension is the process of us walking through our fears. When the children of Israel stood at the base of Mt. Sinai they rejected the call to ascend into the presence of the Lord because they feared. They wanted someone to go on their behalf.
If the children of Israel had charted a course into their fear they would have found themselves in the presence of the Lord.
Fear should be a sign to us as to the direction we should go. When a fear presents itself, we can know that turning and facing that fear, walking into it, and bringing it into subjection to the power of Christ through the expression of our agency, we ascend the mount. We receive great peace and rest. We put fear under our feet.
We experience fear because there are parts of us that are not true. We’ve accepted lies, unbelief, false belief, and deception. The degree of false belief that possesses us will determine the degree of fear we experience.
I’ve learned that my anger is a product of my fear. And is a sign that I should turn and be honest about that anger and what fear it is revealing. When I discover the fear I am now charged with facing it and subduing it to Christ – putting it under my feet.
Is lust not a product of fear? Jealousy? Anger? Resentment? Judgement? The need to have another ascend the mount for us so that we don’t have to face the truth of our fallen nature?
The Lord has invited us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. I think this means that when we desire to repent and come to Christ with all that we have, we must face what makes us fear and tremble. We have to bring Christ into that space and cease hiding from him.
The first fruit of the fall is fear. It caused Adam and Eve to hide themselves, and it causes us to hide in fear as well. Because we hide ourselves when we feel fear it naturally creates enmity. It creates enmity between family, friends, and all in the family of God.
Few things bring more joy than staring into the abyss of our fears, taking a step forward, and finding that light follows. Subduing fear and darkness with the power of Christ is the great work of redemption on this earth.
“And again, verily I say unto you that it is your privilege, and a promise I give unto you that have been ordained unto this ministry, that inasmuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficiently humble, the veil shall be rent and you shall see me and know that I am” Author: Todd McLauchlin
This is an LDS site that is dedicated to the invitation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to awake and arise to the great promises of redemption and transformation. My name is Todd Mclauchlin and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have a love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and would like to share openly my feelings, testimony, and personal perspectives of the Doctrine of Christ. I currently reside in Draper, Utah.