Every family has family secrets. It is no different with the Jaredites and Israelites. In Hebrew, names mean things and sometimes names tell stories. We see this displayed in the names of the names of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah:
Adam – A Man
Seth – is appointed
Enosh- a person/man
Kenan – out of sorrow
Mahalaleel – The praise or glory of God
Jared – Who comes down/ descends
Enoch – Dedicated/consecrated
Methuselah – A fruitful branch – a branch with fruit or children
Lamech – Powerful
Noah – giving comfort.

We also see this same narrative device in the names of the post flood Patriarchs recorded around the account of the Tower of Babel:

Shem – Fame and Glory
Arphaxad – Shall fade away or run dry
Cainan – out of sorrow
Salah – like a sprouting plant
Eber – running beyond the bounds
Peleg – divided
Reu – A shepherd/ A watcher
Serug – branches out/ shoots forth
Nahor – snorting/ angry
Terah –a wanderer

Unlike the descending pattern of the names of the Patriarchs, the lineage of the Jaredites is presented in an ascending pattern which foretells a future prophecy. If we were to read from Jared descending to Ether, we are given a pattern of a people descending and following a linear progression to the fulfillment of the Jaredite story ending with their destruction and the land being given to another people (the Nephites, Mulekites, etc) and their numbers multiplying.
1. ETHER – abundant, bountiful, multiplying
2. CORIANTOR – Another people
3. MORON = God Judges, end of a harlot, destroyed.
4. ETHEM = In the edge of the wilderness/ boundary of the sea. The name contains the aleph and tav which is the beginning and end; a great cycle.
5. AHAH = brother, kindred.
6. SHIBLON = A place of dwelling/ a place to return too/ inn/ Num 382- Searcher, sweet odor. Barley offering/ first fruits.
7. COM – to rise up as in a rising hill or mountain
8. CORIANTUM – joining together of two people to become one
9. AMNIGADDAH – (wailing of large group of people) (invaded or attacked)
10. AARON = Light bringer. Numerical value 256 = luminous
11. HETH = terror/ object of fear -hod/glory splendor
12. HEARTHOM = mountain/ nation of purity
13. LIB = Heart, Flame, the consciousness of man coming deep as from the heart. Numeric Value 32 – Paths of the heart = to make pure, concealed – hidden path
14. KISH- stalks harvested from the field, what is left after stalk or grain has been removed
15. COROM= gathering of people by covenant or arrangement
16. LEVI = crowned and joined together
17. KIM = rise up/ standing
18. MORIANTON- borders by the seashore; chosen/beloved of God
19. RIPLAKISH – a large gathering of people shall go
20. SHEZ = a star, splendor, glory – destroyer of the enemy – builder of a righteous kingdom
21. HETH – terror/ object of fear -hod/glory splendor
22. COM- to rise up as in a rising hill or mountain
23. CORIANTUM – two people coming together
24. EMER – speak, say, utter
25. OMER = a tenth part/ a measure of things
26. SHULE = like a train or hem or flowing skirt of a robe/garment of the high priest
27. KIB = a tenth part or assembly shall take hold
28. ORIHAH- light of yah, lion
29. JARED = To come down, descend

If we read in an ascending progression from Ether to Jared then the genealogy reveals the following prophetic pattern:
Another people will come forth, coming out of judgment as part of the great cycle of righteousness. As brethren, the first fruits of that people coming forth and joining together with another people through a light bringing, luminous person, or work that shall change the hearts of the people resulting in a harvest. They shall be an object of fear. A nation, made pure will cause a remnant to be gathered out by covenant where they shall come together as a nation, crowned together, and loved of God. Who shall build a righteous kingdom and shall be considered terrible by the nations because of their glory. A tithe or tenth part that shall come forth the like the train of the high priest’s robe. The Light of Yah, The Lion- who shall come down.