I just got a comment in on the Star of Melchizedek (previous piece), which I do NOT agree with unless some meaty quotes by the Brethren can be shown.  Too much to the contrary to dismiss the article that was written, including the research about the early references and artwork pointing out the connection.  Like I always say, the proof is in the pudding…..  Produce some relevant quotes and I will consider something to the contrary.

I do have an open mind.  I read most things that seem to have merit and then usually hold judgment for years or decades.  If it is important for me to know, the Lord usually comes through for me with continuing revelation or info by the end of a fortnight – and thus my standard response to someone asking me for direction, of; “Give me a couple of weeks and I will get back with you on that”.  Other times, it can be years for information to fall into place.  It is on the Lord’s timeline, so I do not worry about it.

While I do not agree with the 49 year cycle (I am sticking with Rabbi Ben Samuel and his 50 year cycle based on 1217, 1517, 1917, 1967, and finally 2017), I do like to look at patterns which may point to things.  God uses cycles (lunar, festival dates) to do His works on.

Here is that article:  http://ift.tt/1IzTEv1

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1DDJ5u8