Someone asked about how one receives their personal urim and thummim as described in Revelations.  According to those that I know have one, its location is shown to the recipient by an angel, and more specifically, their guardian angel.  They are then to go find it, similar to the process used by Joseph to find the plates on Cumorah (shown in vision where it is, you go find the object, then you are given instruction by a messenger in how to use it/care for it).

In re-reading the wiki article on shamir, I found this reference to a guardian angel to be interesting:

The shamir worm was also used by King Solomon to engrave gemstones. Apparently he also used the blood of the shamir worm to make carved jewels with a mystical seal or design. According to an interview with Dr. George Frederick Kunz, an expert in gemstone and jewelry lore, this led to the belief that gemstones so engraved would have magical virtues, and they often also ended up with their own powers or guardian angel associated with either the gem, or the specifically engraved gemstones.[6]