When I say that I HATE certain portions of the medical industry – this is precisely what I am talking about:


This is so beyond the pale – I, for once, am speechless.

Here is what I wrote on FB in response to this article:

my wife and I lost our third child of 5 to SIDS as a 9 month old. For weeks afterwards, we would go out just to get out and be normal (without crying our eyeballs out) and we would ask people in malls if we could hold their babies. It was emotionally crushing and devastating to us. The thought of bringing harm in any way to a baby is so beyond the pale to us – it just makes me shake with what we have been reading in the news lately. We made it out to an abortion clinic for a protest. The vileness and hatred spewed at us was itself beyond belief. We live in a WICKED world. Jesus, please come quickly!!

All constructs that are not Godly (consecration, true love for fellow man) will be destroyed in what is coming.  It will be total and complete.

Any institution that seeks to get above one’s brother (banking, cancer industry, wall street, slum lords, slavery of any kind, governments that lust after power and want to subjugate rights such as arms and free speech, the “free press”, religions built up for power or money or anything that seeks to build fame or power) will all be brought to naught.  Crushed – destroyed – ground into powder.  People are waking up – and having done so, will spank you hard.

You have been put on notice – your time is here.  Prepare for your demise – you are going to be taken to the curb with the rest of the trash!!

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1hv8DzV