This should get your EQ doom going:

Cataclysms; Ranae Lee

Then I saw a map of the U.S. In Texas those effected by hurricane [Ike] had empty hands.. and there was no money to help them. Montana was really angry about things and trying to break away from the U.S. this brought even more control by the government.

Then I saw California and a large earthquake to the north and a row of smaller ones along a fault line to the south. Along the Cascades there was a major drop in the earth…along a fault.. the west part dropped. Then I could see the continents shifting slightly. The Midwest was buckling and so was the strike-slip fault line off the Pacific coast. The coast was buckling under the pressure. Then again I saw Krakatau explode and the great tsunami hit the western coastline all the way from Washington state to Baja… it was so bad. So many people hit. Hopes destroyed and people dead. California was covered in water.. I do think this dissipates later.. but the damage was irreversible. People were leaving the coastline in droves, coming inland, moving to safer places. (I do not know where this event fits into things.)

Next I saw [LDS] General Converence. The brethren were really concerned. Trying to calm fears and stress Faith in the Lord! The first earthquake was not long after Conference. It was early in the morning just before it gets light. It was a 6.2 or 3. Afterwards people thought everything was going to be fine, like that was the one we’ve waited for. News reports made everyone have a false sense of security. Then everything was calm and people went back in to complacency. This earthquake was a warning to “Get out!” it was a merciful warning for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, those who are awake.

It seemed as if about a week passed and then the bigger earthquake hit… 8.6 I’ve spoken of this extensively and will more on another post. But I did see the capital collapse on the south end. Buildings were swaying everywhere. People screaming and running. Liquefaction of the ground all over the Salt Lake valley. Hospitals collapse as well as a lot of other buildings. The spaghetti bowl [I-80 and I-15 interchange] smashes down. The large crack that runs from the North east hills of Salt lake runs down to Taylorsville, these cracks start at this point but get much bigger in the next earthquake I saw that this first “event” included several weeks of earthquakes and aftershocks.

The underground fountains also began to open up at this point. This will effect as far away as the Cascades and make them heat up…the death toll will be staggering. I did see angels guarding some homes and the temples.

Most of the money was gone and only the military could help.. I saw rioting, looting and people living in tents.

Next I saw Oct. Conference. The time of warning was past. There was some talk of these problems and obeying the prophet. They spoke of how the Lords church would go on and the church was well prepared. I saw that in the background a restructure of some sort was happening. I didn’t see any details. But it was like things were pulling in They seemed to be setting things up for more isolated leadership. I had read about the dead of Pres Packer’s and he spoke of changes in the fall, I wondered if this was what he was referring to? I saw more leaders staying in their own countries and less travel. Some sort of decision was made at this time that was really big and I think it had to do with the missionaries. I was reminded that they have already moved some for political reasons and this would increase. I saw the elders coming home because of the tensions worldwide. This started gradually at first then it increased. Next I saw the canneries, they were busy with the harvest. Getting a lot done but people were buying it as fast as they could and the shelves were empty. The council on being prepared had not been heeded by the majority, now they were in a panic. Some still saw no reason to do anything. I saw a lot of people going to their bishops for help and there just wasn’t enough… next I saw the Church’s grain silo. I watched the grain slowly go down till only one kernel was left. They had sold a lot of it but still had some. They couldn’t be expected to feed the entire church and the demand was great. Again I saw conference, there was a lot of security. People were encouraged to watch from home. There were a lot of concerns among the people. Then once conference was over there was an uneasiness in the air. It was quiet then I saw a big bump under the earth. Then the first small earthquake started, it was a small shaking at first.6.2 I think. This was a warning for people to leave at that point. Some did. Then it was shy of about a week that passed. I watched underground as this earlier earthquake caused a fault to begin moving and slipping. Then the west side of the fault bumped and dropped. It was mass panic as the bigger earthquake began. ( I’ve shared a lot of this before, so some may be familiar) It was like I was standing in a mall the lights over head were swaying, people were hiding under the counters and the walls began to crumble, then I saw a large metal ceiling beam fall. This earthquake was lasting too long. I kept on thinking 3 minutes. But I asked and was told more like 1. It seemed like forever. It was at least and 8.6 Buildings were crumbling everywhere. There were great big cracks in the ground. Small and large I saw the great salt lake sloshing from side to side. In the 2nd earthquake it is like a wall of geysers. It all began in the early morning, it was nippy outside and people had on jackets . There were so many dead and injured. Then it was like I was up in the sky looking down at the damage. All of the foothills had liquefied some of the valley was like Jell-O. A lot of the hospitals were half collapsed almost all of the roads were jagged and broken up there were fires from broken gas mains and water spewing and leaking everywhere. Most of the homes were either flattened or were damaged. In the older parts of town things were really bad all of the old buildings had crumbled and were just rubble. I again saw the glass building up near main shatter and come down. I saw the church office swaying and that afterwards it had to be evacuated due to some damage, it was unsafe. The capitol collapsed on the south end. I watched the spaghetti bowl just fall to pieces and up towards Parleys canyon the overpasses on the freeway had crumbled. A great Crack divided all of Salt lake in half it ran form the Northeast mountains all the way down in to Taylorsville with a lot of smaller cracks coming from that. North in Bountiful the large homes on the hill were really damaged bad. At the airport I saw the parking garage pancake down on top of itself. The airport was also damaged in places but it still was working. Next I saw people wandering the streets in a daze. There were a lot of gangs and looting. People were hiding and in shock. There were sirens and helicopters everywhere. News people were everywhere. The nation was watching closely. This thing was so big it effected. Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, California, and Wyoming. I did not see much in Colorado. It seemed like the southeast part of Utah was less effected. Next I saw how this event opened up the Cascade range fissures. Things shifted enough to cause the volcano’s to heat up. Rainier, St Helens, Hood and Mammoth Lake etc….this did effect Oregon and Washington, but I did not see if it effected Montana. It seemed to be o.k. there were so many people dead. Now the military came in. I saw a truck with a canvas top full of soldiers. It was on one of the streets in SL they jumped out with guns in hand. They were making everyone leave in mandatory evacuations. They began putting people in relocation centers. ( FEMA camps) it was planned. (get out on your own before that happens, when you see the smaller earthquake it is a warning. Never ever ever go to those relocation centers, they become concentration camps later on!) next I saw Long lines of cars on Redwood road. There was less damage there and it was one of the routes out of town. Eagle mountain and Saratoga springs were somewhat damaged but Lehi was the first place people started going to. They were inundated with people getting out of the SL valley. I saw that over on west Mountain in Utah County steam vents had opened up on the northwest side of the mountain, it is volcanic. In Utah co. all of the foothills had liquefied as well, and there was almost as much damage as in SL. There was a big crack near the river in American Fork. This ran all the way up into Pleasant Grove. At the point of the mountain the homes on the north side were all destroyed. They were built on sand and just came sliding down like matchsticks. The tower at thanksgiving point also fell. All of the roads were really broken up. Next I saw Rice stadium, whole sections of bleachers had fallen due to the ground falling away beneath. Then I saw Royal stadium it was half gone. Next I Saw BYU football stadium it had some damage but seemed to be intact. The other buildings on campus were not so lucky. All of the older ones came down. I saw an older dorm was also half gone. But there weren’t many students there. I had the feeling they were gone for the weekend or it was a holiday. Maybe they were all in class? The Provo Temple was damaged and crumbled on the north wall. I saw the glass in the NeWays building really crash down. killing people. The roads in Provo were so jagged and broken up. Again fires and a lot of water spraying from broken pipes. Rock canyon had a lot of damage as well. I did see that Deer Creek and Jordonelle were damaged but I don’t think they go completely until the 2nd earthquake? just not sure? I saw ambulances trying to get around in Provo and it was really hard. The streets were so broken up. The hospital garage had collapsed and they were treating people out in the open parking lots and on the grass. I saw that there were a lot of helicopters and so me of the hospital was damaged. Then I saw the old Ironton hill between Provo and Springville. Most of it was gone, due to liquefaction of the ground beneath. The old Clyde building in Springville had crumbled and any buildings with a lot of glass just kind of exploded. The freeway to the west was flooded near Provo and there were a lot of power lines down on it. It was really dangerous. Past the north Springville exit to the south, there were cars lined up everywhere on the freeway trying to get out and go south. There was a major fault line to the east of Springville and the High School was mostly gone because it was built on it. Only the west portion of the building was standing. All of the houses on the hills were in bad shape. There was a lot of water in the streets and big cracks. I saw that near the old creek that goes though town there was a lot of damage. Homes had fallen in and lots of large cracks were near those areas. The creek was dry though, and that was good. The old buildings on main were in piles. Only one or two walls were intact Some streets in Springville were usable to the south. Next I saw Spanish fork, I watched as a gas station exploded there on one of the main roads. I saw that south of Spanish Fork the damage got less as you went south. But it was still at least a 7 pointer there. there was still a lot of damage and people killed. I did see that the priesthood had protected some of the buildings that had been blessed and dedicated. Communications were down, cell phone lines were clogged. It was expressed to me that those in the quake should call a family member in another state to tell of their condition and then that family member could notify others of how things are. This would free up the lines. I saw that Logan was effected in about the same way as Utah county. About a 7.– there. It was a 6 pointer in areas south. I saw people evacuated to Price, Sanpete and Delta areas. I did not see them going north, it seemed like the damage was greater there. Next I saw them calling for people to open their homes and work together. Other nations began offering help. The world was watching. There were a lot of government, military vehicles around and they brought supplies. There were so many dead. I saw cars lined up on freeways and people dying in them. If you get caught in this traffic turn off your car. Save your gas. and save the battery. Have a crank radio with to listen to or have one person call tell me or another info line with their cell. Then report to the others in line…so it doesn’t clog the cell lines. Everyone was trying to help the evacuations. Anyone with medical training was put to work. This earthquake began opening up the underground waters, but more came later in the 2nd earthquake there is a major underground river under the mountains and the damage of this quake effected it. I was told that reports would say this was the costliest earthquake in lives and property in U.S. history even worse than the San Francisco quake. Most everything was damaged. So much death and suffering. I saw a little rebuilding, but with the economic situation there was not a lot of insurance to cover things. I was told to remember.. food and supplies will be the new money. Get out medical supplies now and have them in a place that they can be easily reached. Secure shelves and heavy objects. If they live in central Utah they might want to put their food storage above ground if possible or it will be under their house. Do what you can. I saw that 4 wheelers were really valuable and could get around on the broken roads. I was told to have two spares in your vehicle. and keep fix a flat with you. People will need a lot of leather gloves to pull people out and have tarps to cover damaged parts of homes to keep the rain off etc. Have evacuation kits ready and Lots of blankets and coats, it will be cold!!!!! portable heaters will work for some, but be careful of open flames there will be a lot of broken gas lines gas and propane follow the ground and it can explode from the vapors even if you don’t think it is close by….Get bottled water now and keep with you in cars etc… have the car packed with first aid kits and ready to go at a moments notice. Learn how to shut off gas lines. Make large bandages now, the kind made of old sheets for slings etc.. if you have old crutches get them out and have them ready. You will need to have gas tanks filled and extra for generators. Have a meeting place planned for family before hand and do earthquake drills with the little ones. Get out of the areas as soon as you can and on your own. There will be mandatory evacuations… and the military will make you leave. don’t ever go to those relocation centers. The ones that I saw were Camp Williams, Hill, micron. any large buildings. This was a national emergency and martial law will be in effect. The military will be the main help that comes. Sell anything you have that is useless, and use it to prepare now. Buy food. Prepare a safe place now. If you have a trailer or camper you may want to get it somewhere now, but the mountains will be cold and the snow will be bad later on. The damage did seem to be less in other states.


This should get your EQ doom going:

Cataclysms; Ranae Lee

Then I saw a map of the U.S. In Texas those effected by hurricane [Ike] had empty hands.. and there was no money to help them. Montana was really angry about things and trying to break away from the U.S. this brought even more control by the government.

Then I saw California and a large earthquake to the north and a row of smaller ones along a fault line to the south. Along the Cascades there was a major drop in the earth…along a fault.. the west part dropped. Then I could see the continents shifting slightly. The Midwest was buckling and so was the strike-slip fault line off the Pacific coast. The coast was buckling under the pressure. Then again I saw Krakatau explode and the great tsunami hit the western coastline all the way from Washington state to Baja… it was so bad. So many people hit. Hopes destroyed and people dead. California was covered in water.. I do think this dissipates later.. but the damage was irreversible. People were leaving the coastline in droves, coming inland, moving to safer places. (I do not know where this event fits into things.)

Next I saw [LDS] General Converence. The brethren were really concerned. Trying to calm fears and stress Faith in the Lord! The first earthquake was not long after Conference. It was early in the morning just before it gets light. It was a 6.2 or 3. Afterwards people thought everything was going to be fine, like that was the one we’ve waited for. News reports made everyone have a false sense of security. Then everything was calm and people went back in to complacency. This earthquake was a warning to “Get out!” it was a merciful warning for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, those who are awake.

It seemed as if about a week passed and then the bigger earthquake hit… 8.6 I’ve spoken of this extensively and will more on another post. But I did see the capital collapse on the south end. Buildings were swaying everywhere. People screaming and running. Liquefaction of the ground all over the Salt Lake valley. Hospitals collapse as well as a lot of other buildings. The spaghetti bowl [I-80 and I-15 interchange] smashes down. The large crack that runs from the North east hills of Salt lake runs down to Taylorsville, these cracks start at this point but get much bigger in the next earthquake I saw that this first “event” included several weeks of earthquakes and aftershocks.

The underground fountains also began to open up at this point. This will effect as far away as the Cascades and make them heat up…the death toll will be staggering. I did see angels guarding some homes and the temples.

Most of the money was gone and only the military could help.. I saw rioting, looting and people living in tents.

Next I saw Oct. Conference. The time of warning was past. There was some talk of these problems and obeying the prophet. They spoke of how the Lords church would go on and the church was well prepared. I saw that in the background a restructure of some sort was happening. I didn’t see any details. But it was like things were pulling in They seemed to be setting things up for more isolated leadership. I had read about the dead of Pres Packer’s and he spoke of changes in the fall, I wondered if this was what he was referring to? I saw more leaders staying in their own countries and less travel. Some sort of decision was made at this time that was really big and I think it had to do with the missionaries. I was reminded that they have already moved some for political reasons and this would increase. I saw the elders coming home because of the tensions worldwide. This started gradually at first then it increased. Next I saw the canneries, they were busy with the harvest. Getting a lot done but people were buying it as fast as they could and the shelves were empty. The council on being prepared had not been heeded by the majority, now they were in a panic. Some still saw no reason to do anything. I saw a lot of people going to their bishops for help and there just wasn’t enough… next I saw the Church’s grain silo. I watched the grain slowly go down till only one kernel was left. They had sold a lot of it but still had some. They couldn’t be expected to feed the entire church and the demand was great. Again I saw conference, there was a lot of security. People were encouraged to watch from home. There were a lot of concerns among the people. Then once conference was over there was an uneasiness in the air. It was quiet then I saw a big bump under the earth. Then the first small earthquake started, it was a small shaking at first.6.2 I think. This was a warning for people to leave at that point. Some did. Then it was shy of about a week that passed. I watched underground as this earlier earthquake caused a fault to begin moving and slipping. Then the west side of the fault bumped and dropped. It was mass panic as the bigger earthquake began. ( I’ve shared a lot of this before, so some may be familiar) It was like I was standing in a mall the lights over head were swaying, people were hiding under the counters and the walls began to crumble, then I saw a large metal ceiling beam fall. This earthquake was lasting too long. I kept on thinking 3 minutes. But I asked and was told more like 1. It seemed like forever. It was at least and 8.6 Buildings were crumbling everywhere. There were great big cracks in the ground. Small and large I saw the great salt lake sloshing from side to side. In the 2nd earthquake it is like a wall of geysers. It all began in the early morning, it was nippy outside and people had on jackets . There were so many dead and injured. Then it was like I was up in the sky looking down at the damage. All of the foothills had liquefied some of the valley was like Jell-O. A lot of the hospitals were half collapsed almost all of the roads were jagged and broken up there were fires from broken gas mains and water spewing and leaking everywhere. Most of the homes were either flattened or were damaged. In the older parts of town things were really bad all of the old buildings had crumbled and were just rubble. I again saw the glass building up near main shatter and come down. I saw the church office swaying and that afterwards it had to be evacuated due to some damage, it was unsafe. The capitol collapsed on the south end. I watched the spaghetti bowl just fall to pieces and up towards Parleys canyon the overpasses on the freeway had crumbled. A great Crack divided all of Salt lake in half it ran form the Northeast mountains all the way down in to Taylorsville with a lot of smaller cracks coming from that. North in Bountiful the large homes on the hill were really damaged bad. At the airport I saw the parking garage pancake down on top of itself. The airport was also damaged in places but it still was working. Next I saw people wandering the streets in a daze. There were a lot of gangs and looting. People were hiding and in shock. There were sirens and helicopters everywhere. News people were everywhere. The nation was watching closely. This thing was so big it effected. Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, California, and Wyoming. I did not see much in Colorado. It seemed like the southeast part of Utah was less effected. Next I saw how this event opened up the Cascade range fissures. Things shifted enough to cause the volcano’s to heat up. Rainier, St Helens, Hood and Mammoth Lake etc….this did effect Oregon and Washington, but I did not see if it effected Montana. It seemed to be o.k. there were so many people dead. Now the military came in. I saw a truck with a canvas top full of soldiers. It was on one of the streets in SL they jumped out with guns in hand. They were making everyone leave in mandatory evacuations. They began putting people in relocation centers. ( FEMA camps) it was planned. (get out on your own before that happens, when you see the smaller earthquake it is a warning. Never ever ever go to those relocation centers, they become concentration camps later on!) next I saw Long lines of cars on Redwood road. There was less damage there and it was one of the routes out of town. Eagle mountain and Saratoga springs were somewhat damaged but Lehi was the first place people started going to. They were inundated with people getting out of the SL valley. I saw that over on west Mountain in Utah County steam vents had opened up on the northwest side of the mountain, it is volcanic. In Utah co. all of the foothills had liquefied as well, and there was almost as much damage as in SL. There was a big crack near the river in American Fork. This ran all the way up into Pleasant Grove. At the point of the mountain the homes on the north side were all destroyed. They were built on sand and just came sliding down like matchsticks. The tower at thanksgiving point also fell. All of the roads were really broken up. Next I saw Rice stadium, whole sections of bleachers had fallen due to the ground falling away beneath. Then I saw Royal stadium it was half gone. Next I Saw BYU football stadium it had some damage but seemed to be intact. The other buildings on campus were not so lucky. All of the older ones came down. I saw an older dorm was also half gone. But there weren’t many students there. I had the feeling they were gone for the weekend or it was a holiday. Maybe they were all in class? The Provo Temple was damaged and crumbled on the north wall. I saw the glass in the NeWays building really crash down. killing people. The roads in Provo were so jagged and broken up. Again fires and a lot of water spraying from broken pipes. Rock canyon had a lot of damage as well. I did see that Deer Creek and Jordonelle were damaged but I don’t think they go completely until the 2nd earthquake? just not sure? I saw ambulances trying to get around in Provo and it was really hard. The streets were so broken up. The hospital garage had collapsed and they were treating people out in the open parking lots and on the grass. I saw that there were a lot of helicopters and so me of the hospital was damaged. Then I saw the old Ironton hill between Provo and Springville. Most of it was gone, due to liquefaction of the ground beneath. The old Clyde building in Springville had crumbled and any buildings with a lot of glass just kind of exploded. The freeway to the west was flooded near Provo and there were a lot of power lines down on it. It was really dangerous. Past the north Springville exit to the south, there were cars lined up everywhere on the freeway trying to get out and go south. There was a major fault line to the east of Springville and the High School was mostly gone because it was built on it. Only the west portion of the building was standing. All of the houses on the hills were in bad shape. There was a lot of water in the streets and big cracks. I saw that near the old creek that goes though town there was a lot of damage. Homes had fallen in and lots of large cracks were near those areas. The creek was dry though, and that was good. The old buildings on main were in piles. Only one or two walls were intact Some streets in Springville were usable to the south. Next I saw Spanish fork, I watched as a gas station exploded there on one of the main roads. I saw that south of Spanish Fork the damage got less as you went south. But it was still at least a 7 pointer there. there was still a lot of damage and people killed. I did see that the priesthood had protected some of the buildings that had been blessed and dedicated. Communications were down, cell phone lines were clogged. It was expressed to me that those in the quake should call a family member in another state to tell of their condition and then that family member could notify others of how things are. This would free up the lines. I saw that Logan was effected in about the same way as Utah county. About a 7.– there. It was a 6 pointer in areas south. I saw people evacuated to Price, Sanpete and Delta areas. I did not see them going north, it seemed like the damage was greater there. Next I saw them calling for people to open their homes and work together. Other nations began offering help. The world was watching. There were a lot of government, military vehicles around and they brought supplies. There were so many dead. I saw cars lined up on freeways and people dying in them. If you get caught in this traffic turn off your car. Save your gas. and save the battery. Have a crank radio with to listen to or have one person call tell me or another info line with their cell. Then report to the others in line…so it doesn’t clog the cell lines. Everyone was trying to help the evacuations. Anyone with medical training was put to work. This earthquake began opening up the underground waters, but more came later in the 2nd earthquake there is a major underground river under the mountains and the damage of this quake effected it. I was told that reports would say this was the costliest earthquake in lives and property in U.S. history even worse than the San Francisco quake. Most everything was damaged. So much death and suffering. I saw a little rebuilding, but with the economic situation there was not a lot of insurance to cover things. I was told to remember.. food and supplies will be the new money. Get out medical supplies now and have them in a place that they can be easily reached. Secure shelves and heavy objects. If they live in central Utah they might want to put their food storage above ground if possible or it will be under their house. Do what you can. I saw that 4 wheelers were really valuable and could get around on the broken roads. I was told to have two spares in your vehicle. and keep fix a flat with you. People will need a lot of leather gloves to pull people out and have tarps to cover damaged parts of homes to keep the rain off etc. Have evacuation kits ready and Lots of blankets and coats, it will be cold!!!!! portable heaters will work for some, but be careful of open flames there will be a lot of broken gas lines gas and propane follow the ground and it can explode from the vapors even if you don’t think it is close by….Get bottled water now and keep with you in cars etc… have the car packed with first aid kits and ready to go at a moments notice. Learn how to shut off gas lines. Make large bandages now, the kind made of old sheets for slings etc.. if you have old crutches get them out and have them ready. You will need to have gas tanks filled and extra for generators. Have a meeting place planned for family before hand and do earthquake drills with the little ones. Get out of the areas as soon as you can and on your own. There will be mandatory evacuations… and the military will make you leave. don’t ever go to those relocation centers. The ones that I saw were Camp Williams, Hill, micron. any large buildings. This was a national emergency and martial law will be in effect. The military will be the main help that comes. Sell anything you have that is useless, and use it to prepare now. Buy food. Prepare a safe place now. If you have a trailer or camper you may want to get it somewhere now, but the mountains will be cold and the snow will be bad later on. The damage did seem to be less in other states.