Having a discussion with a friend that does not quite get how Mormons believe in Christ.

An Apostle of the Lord says it best:


Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.  This will not be done by compulsion or by force.  It will be done after those who have rejected the notion initially, have been delivered up to the buffetings of satan (sent to a place where there is no love, but hate and suffering that exists in the vacuum of the absence of light/truth/love).  After having been exposed to that, as they are allowed to move to the light, they will finally confess that Jesus is the way.  Sadly – many will confess, but not follow – having been given their agency in that regard.

Is it not easier to confess it now, while there is still time to perform our labors?  – than to delay that day of repentance until it is everlastingly too late?  Time is short – and the Spirit is testifying to your heart as you read this.  You know that these words are truth.  In this voice of testifying, you are being prompted in the areas of your soul where you need to improve in order to return to your God.  He who is over all things – the Father of our spirits.

The time is now.  Do NOT delay.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1GUzbWZ


Having a discussion with a friend that does not quite get how Mormons believe in Christ.

An Apostle of the Lord says it best:


Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.  This will not be done by compulsion or by force.  It will be done after those who have rejected the notion initially, have been delivered up to the buffetings of satan (sent to a place where there is no love, but hate and suffering that exists in the vacuum of the absence of light/truth/love).  After having been exposed to that, as they are allowed to move to the light, they will finally confess that Jesus is the way.  Sadly – many will confess, but not follow – having been given their agency in that regard.

Is it not easier to confess it now, while there is still time to perform our labors?  – than to delay that day of repentance until it is everlastingly too late?  Time is short – and the Spirit is testifying to your heart as you read this.  You know that these words are truth.  In this voice of testifying, you are being prompted in the areas of your soul where you need to improve in order to return to your God.  He who is over all things – the Father of our spirits.

The time is now.  Do NOT delay.