Bro B. is one of my favorite readers – although I do not think he is Young……  He really just nails it down – no questions asked.  I like people who are direct and have the Spirit of the Lord with them.  Brigham Young was one of those kinds of people.  I cannot wait to meet him one day.  His style was totally different from that of Joseph Smith – strong, direct and forceful.  Leadership to the extreme – and it had to be so for the difficult times they passed through.  Different style than Joseph Smith who was a little more kind-hearted, demure, quiet and deep.  To those who know me – I am a little bit of both of these styles.  Decisive and impulsive to a fault – contemplative and deep and deliberate on certain matters.  I understand both men – and how they led during their respective stewardships.

Here is what Bro. B had to say in a comment on a previous blog post:

Brigham Young –
You allow the devil to suggest to you that I [the prophet] am not leading you right, and allow that thought to abide in your hearts, and I will promise you that it will lead you to apostasy. You allow yourselves to doubt anything that God has revealed, and it will not be a great while before you begin to neglect your prayers, refuse to pay your Tithing, and find fault with the authorities of the Church. You will be repeating what apostates all say, “The Tithing is not used aright” (DNSW, 29 Aug. 1876, 1).

I remember as a young man paying 10% Tithing; a ward budget; building fund; a ward missionary fund; fast offerings; working on the welfare farm and when necessary temple fund. AND NOW some say tithing is TOO much?

I have been a ward clerk and in the Bishopric who counted tithing, and tithing is completely self reported. Being a full tithe payer is a requirement for entering the temples. In my personal experience, those who don’t pay tithing are generally uninterested in storing a year’s supply, doing genealogy or attending the temple. One major exception is during a wedding for a family member held in the temple. Disciplinary councils are not held for such things as failure to pay tithing, to obey the Word of Wisdom, to attend church, or to receive home teachers because of lack of faith or commitment.

Tithing is not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith. Presently all commandments are optional… just as is your faith in our lord Jesus Christ and his Church. That LACK OF FAITH or LACK OF COMMITMENT is apostasy.


Bro B. is one of my favorite readers – although I do not think he is Young……  He really just nails it down – no questions asked.  I like people who are direct and have the Spirit of the Lord with them.  Brigham Young was one of those kinds of people.  I cannot wait to meet him one day.  His style was totally different from that of Joseph Smith – strong, direct and forceful.  Leadership to the extreme – and it had to be so for the difficult times they passed through.  Different style than Joseph Smith who was a little more kind-hearted, demure, quiet and deep.  To those who know me – I am a little bit of both of these styles.  Decisive and impulsive to a fault – contemplative and deep and deliberate on certain matters.  I understand both men – and how they led during their respective stewardships.

Here is what Bro. B had to say in a comment on a previous blog post:

Brigham Young –
You allow the devil to suggest to you that I [the prophet] am not leading you right, and allow that thought to abide in your hearts, and I will promise you that it will lead you to apostasy. You allow yourselves to doubt anything that God has revealed, and it will not be a great while before you begin to neglect your prayers, refuse to pay your Tithing, and find fault with the authorities of the Church. You will be repeating what apostates all say, “The Tithing is not used aright” (DNSW, 29 Aug. 1876, 1).

I remember as a young man paying 10% Tithing; a ward budget; building fund; a ward missionary fund; fast offerings; working on the welfare farm and when necessary temple fund. AND NOW some say tithing is TOO much?

I have been a ward clerk and in the Bishopric who counted tithing, and tithing is completely self reported. Being a full tithe payer is a requirement for entering the temples. In my personal experience, those who don’t pay tithing are generally uninterested in storing a year’s supply, doing genealogy or attending the temple. One major exception is during a wedding for a family member held in the temple. Disciplinary councils are not held for such things as failure to pay tithing, to obey the Word of Wisdom, to attend church, or to receive home teachers because of lack of faith or commitment.

Tithing is not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith. Presently all commandments are optional… just as is your faith in our lord Jesus Christ and his Church. That LACK OF FAITH or LACK OF COMMITMENT is apostasy.