Well, I managed to drop at least 13 people off the “follower” list overnight with my Isaiah 4:1 article.  Do I care?  Nope – not in the least.  Never have, never will.  I determine what is right for me – and then go my own way.  Real men do not cower and look around for approval.  They simply look up for approval – and then do His will in all things.

Few people will “say it like it is” – precisely for fear of offending for a word.  Jesus did not care, nor was he PC back in the day.  Nor will He be when He comes again.  He is a man’s man.  I admire that.

On a similar vein, I admire LaVoy – who simply was taking overwhelming tyranny head on.  He was no terrorist – but they labeled him as such in order to inflame a brainwashed public into supporting their murderous actions.  They would do the same of Joseph Smith today.  They would do Carthage all over again.  These chumps (and their families) will suffer personally for what they have done.  As far as I am able, I will follow this to its conclusion.  I am a firm believer that “what goes around, comes around”.  One of my favorite books was “Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith”.  I liked that the author drilled into history – the hidden stuff – and determined in the court of human action/reaction, that those who took out some of the best blood of this century, payed a VERY HEAVY price for their insults to the very God of Heaven and those whom were ordained to do His business.  They were on the wrong side – and they got maggots for their troubles…..  Same thing with Herod and so many others who attempt to thwart God’s purposes:

As I suspected and would have bet almost anything on, the police and the feds were the ones who initiated the shooting. This was a cold-blooded ambush. It was a reckless, savage murder. They couldn’t wait to get these patriots into a situation where they could isolate them and attack them. LaVoy was shot in the face while trying to follow police orders to surrender. A car full of both men and women was pumped full of over an hundred bullets, despite the fact that the occupants were complying, peaceful, and drew no weapon whatsoever.
I have refrained from bashing the police on this page per the request of Heather. But I cannot be silent on this incident. The institution of law enforcement is an enemy of the Republic. Many police are jackbooted thugs. They are the American equivalent of Nazi Stormtroopers, and, in fact, kill more Americans than the Stormtroopers ever did. They are the enforcers of tyranny for our wicked government and the Satanic secret combinations that run them.
Do not misunderstand, there are some very good police left out there. Some, such as retired Sheriff Richard Mack, have done a wonderful job in decrying police abuses and unconstitutional actions (I’ve met him personally—he’s a great man). A neighbor of mine, a Latter-day Saint, is a cop. I’ve known other police. So trust me, I know they’re not all evil or corrupt. But a large, and growing, percentage of them are. And many of the ones who themselves are not corrupt, are silent about the corrupt that surrounds them, thus making them complicit to a degree. And law enforcement as an institution is utterly corrupt and tyrannical—no one with any shred of honesty in their body can disagree with that. And it goes without saying that the feds are corrupt to the core (though again, not every individual fed is a monster).
Again, I raise my voice to denounce the murderers who slaughtered LaVoy in cold blood yesterday, who injured Ryan Bundy, and who endangered a car full of innocent people, including women. What cowards! What hell-spawned demons! What Satan-possessed miscreants! What oath-breaking tyrants! I call for each and every cop anywhere in America who is involved in corruption to repent. And I call for every cop who sees, hears about, or knows about corruption within law enforcement to do the morally correct thing and report it, no matter how damaging it might be to your career. Be men. Be courageous. Stand up for right and truth.
And to everyone who reads this, I ask you, how long before this happens to your family member? How long before they come for you? How long before they gun you down or arrest you for “conspiracy” because you were asserting your God-given rights? At what point will you step forward to defend the rights won for you with the blood of your forefathers? First they came for the Bundys…. next it will be you if you don’t do anything.
I hope this terrible incident wakes some people up to the awful situation we’re in as a nation. Our Constitution is dead. Justice is a phantom. Peace is swiftly being taken from the earth. The Spirit is withdrawing and leaving us to ourselves. The government is hemming us in and threatening us with total tyranny, which is to be enforced by the police, federal goons, and the military. If you don’t think the police or military will go along with this tyranny, you’re blind to reality. They have been going along with it, and they will go along with it. I’m sure some would refuse orders to disarm, round up, or kill Americans, but we’ve already witnessed that many will go right along—just like men did in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Red China, Red Cambodia, or Jacobin France. We’re no different. The same evil spirit inspires yes-men in America that inspired the yes-men who operated the Soviet Gulags, shot Christians, ravaged nuns, put Jews onto trains, and killed in the name of the “greater good.” Wake up! Arise and be men! See the enemy for who they are. Prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually to fight them. We are in a war. You must choose a side. And make sure to choose the right side so that the blood of patriots doesn’t cry up to God for your destruction. ZAS

Interesting.  This is a picture with his daughter in front of what appears to be the St. George temple.  One of 11 children (and who knows how many grand children).   They have crossed a line here, people.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1lTkgC3


Well, I managed to drop at least 13 people off the “follower” list overnight with my Isaiah 4:1 article.  Do I care?  Nope – not in the least.  Never have, never will.  I determine what is right for me – and then go my own way.  Real men do not cower and look around for approval.  They simply look up for approval – and then do His will in all things.

Few people will “say it like it is” – precisely for fear of offending for a word.  Jesus did not care, nor was he PC back in the day.  Nor will He be when He comes again.  He is a man’s man.  I admire that.

On a similar vein, I admire LaVoy – who simply was taking overwhelming tyranny head on.  He was no terrorist – but they labeled him as such in order to inflame a brainwashed public into supporting their murderous actions.  They would do the same of Joseph Smith today.  They would do Carthage all over again.  These chumps (and their families) will suffer personally for what they have done.  As far as I am able, I will follow this to its conclusion.  I am a firm believer that “what goes around, comes around”.  One of my favorite books was “Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith”.  I liked that the author drilled into history – the hidden stuff – and determined in the court of human action/reaction, that those who took out some of the best blood of this century, payed a VERY HEAVY price for their insults to the very God of Heaven and those whom were ordained to do His business.  They were on the wrong side – and they got maggots for their troubles…..  Same thing with Herod and so many others who attempt to thwart God’s purposes:

As I suspected and would have bet almost anything on, the police and the feds were the ones who initiated the shooting. This was a cold-blooded ambush. It was a reckless, savage murder. They couldn’t wait to get these patriots into a situation where they could isolate them and attack them. LaVoy was shot in the face while trying to follow police orders to surrender. A car full of both men and women was pumped full of over an hundred bullets, despite the fact that the occupants were complying, peaceful, and drew no weapon whatsoever.
I have refrained from bashing the police on this page per the request of Heather. But I cannot be silent on this incident. The institution of law enforcement is an enemy of the Republic. Many police are jackbooted thugs. They are the American equivalent of Nazi Stormtroopers, and, in fact, kill more Americans than the Stormtroopers ever did. They are the enforcers of tyranny for our wicked government and the Satanic secret combinations that run them.
Do not misunderstand, there are some very good police left out there. Some, such as retired Sheriff Richard Mack, have done a wonderful job in decrying police abuses and unconstitutional actions (I’ve met him personally—he’s a great man). A neighbor of mine, a Latter-day Saint, is a cop. I’ve known other police. So trust me, I know they’re not all evil or corrupt. But a large, and growing, percentage of them are. And many of the ones who themselves are not corrupt, are silent about the corrupt that surrounds them, thus making them complicit to a degree. And law enforcement as an institution is utterly corrupt and tyrannical—no one with any shred of honesty in their body can disagree with that. And it goes without saying that the feds are corrupt to the core (though again, not every individual fed is a monster).
Again, I raise my voice to denounce the murderers who slaughtered LaVoy in cold blood yesterday, who injured Ryan Bundy, and who endangered a car full of innocent people, including women. What cowards! What hell-spawned demons! What Satan-possessed miscreants! What oath-breaking tyrants! I call for each and every cop anywhere in America who is involved in corruption to repent. And I call for every cop who sees, hears about, or knows about corruption within law enforcement to do the morally correct thing and report it, no matter how damaging it might be to your career. Be men. Be courageous. Stand up for right and truth.
And to everyone who reads this, I ask you, how long before this happens to your family member? How long before they come for you? How long before they gun you down or arrest you for “conspiracy” because you were asserting your God-given rights? At what point will you step forward to defend the rights won for you with the blood of your forefathers? First they came for the Bundys…. next it will be you if you don’t do anything.
I hope this terrible incident wakes some people up to the awful situation we’re in as a nation. Our Constitution is dead. Justice is a phantom. Peace is swiftly being taken from the earth. The Spirit is withdrawing and leaving us to ourselves. The government is hemming us in and threatening us with total tyranny, which is to be enforced by the police, federal goons, and the military. If you don’t think the police or military will go along with this tyranny, you’re blind to reality. They have been going along with it, and they will go along with it. I’m sure some would refuse orders to disarm, round up, or kill Americans, but we’ve already witnessed that many will go right along—just like men did in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Red China, Red Cambodia, or Jacobin France. We’re no different. The same evil spirit inspires yes-men in America that inspired the yes-men who operated the Soviet Gulags, shot Christians, ravaged nuns, put Jews onto trains, and killed in the name of the “greater good.” Wake up! Arise and be men! See the enemy for who they are. Prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually to fight them. We are in a war. You must choose a side. And make sure to choose the right side so that the blood of patriots doesn’t cry up to God for your destruction. ZAS

Interesting.  This is a picture with his daughter in front of what appears to be the St. George temple.  One of 11 children (and who knows how many grand children).   They have crossed a line here, people.