I thought this was interesting commentary, seeing as we ARE coming up on the 50th, 50th year – or 50th Jubilee:

Late last week marked the 43rd year since Roe vs. Wade was ratified by the Supreme Court legalizing abortion … which means we are now living in the 44th year since that time. While not setting dates, this looks to be a significant year of judgment on America. The 44th year of Roe vs. Wade … the 44th president now sitting in office … Not setting dates, but it does not look good:
The Hebrew word for blood is “dahm” and this also adds to 44 (dalet = 4 + mem = 40). So will an act or, perhaps, several acts of YHWH be visited upon the USA this year for its bloodguilt over abortion? The Most High will call this nation to account over bloodguilt and it will not be a pleasant thing. Will it be earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, civil unrest, or even invading armies? Or, perhaps, all of the above? We recall and align ourselves with the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk—who asked of the Most High that, in wrath, He would remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
Regardless of what may or may not come to pass, we invite all to join with us in fasting and prayer over these serious issues, Craig

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1VlEbWi


I thought this was interesting commentary, seeing as we ARE coming up on the 50th, 50th year – or 50th Jubilee:

Late last week marked the 43rd year since Roe vs. Wade was ratified by the Supreme Court legalizing abortion … which means we are now living in the 44th year since that time. While not setting dates, this looks to be a significant year of judgment on America. The 44th year of Roe vs. Wade … the 44th president now sitting in office … Not setting dates, but it does not look good:
The Hebrew word for blood is “dahm” and this also adds to 44 (dalet = 4 + mem = 40). So will an act or, perhaps, several acts of YHWH be visited upon the USA this year for its bloodguilt over abortion? The Most High will call this nation to account over bloodguilt and it will not be a pleasant thing. Will it be earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, civil unrest, or even invading armies? Or, perhaps, all of the above? We recall and align ourselves with the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk—who asked of the Most High that, in wrath, He would remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
Regardless of what may or may not come to pass, we invite all to join with us in fasting and prayer over these serious issues, Craig