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A New Heart in Christ
A new and better life following Jesus Christ
Posted on
January 31, 2019
February 2, 2019
by admin
My Testimony of Jesus Christ
My testimony of Jesus Christ
He is my Savior! No one else is, that includes “me” most of all. The more often I think of Him the more peace I have. The more I seek Him, the more I find Him. All things testify of Him!
In the words of Joseph Smith describing the Savior, “He is the only truly good man to ever have walked the face of this earth”.
I know I am a sinner who needs saved and there is only one way, the Plan of Salvation which is… Him.
He always stands with open arms to receive me. I’m finding it’s never too late, no matter what I’ve done or what I’ll do. I know my love is shown for Him by following His Light, which is as simple as seeking my conscience coupled with prayer.
He sees me for who I really am and will be. I don’t yet. But He is helping me, day by day see myself (and others) by love which He is the source of.
I am humbled to call Him my Redeemer! He saved me and continues to save me! However unworthy I am. Moment to moment, breath to breath, sunbeam to sunbeam.
I walked in darkness before I found Him. I was reactionary, I was an addict to many vices. I had a hundred different chains, each pulling me down slowly (or quickly lol) more and more.
Then I saw His light. Thanks in large to the Book of Mormon and brother John Pontius. I submitted to and followed this Light described. When I focused my mind in submission to His Light my heart caught on fire. It burned away the chains. It was love, it was pure joy.
I received a new heart with a love for Him stronger than my desire for sin.
Turning my will over to Christ’s saved me. I see His light now and His love continuously floods my soul. It is an inexhaustible source of strength. I am His by choice and in turn His grace is mine to claim.
I know I must break my heart daily to let His love in.
The moment I start to think I know something outside of Him is when I fall. But I know thankfully I can always crawl back.
No matter how small it seems to me, He cares. He cares and wants to be involved. In everything I do.
God be praised for the Light of my world, even Jesus Christ, the Only Way, The Gift of the Father, The Plan of Salvation, His Son, my God, Savior and King. Love,
PS: Please comment with your testimony of Jesus Christ if you feel so inclined. God bless you!

Art by J. Kirk Richards
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