Properly Seeking The Mysteries of God

I’m finding my dear friends that all true “mysteries” of God are found and kept only by taking the Spirit as our guide while seeking the greatest mystery, gift and miracle of all. The tree of life, charity, the enabling power of the Atonement, even the love of God.
The mysteries are given to us by the Spirit as we progress enabling us to do what? To greater comprehend God’s love and become more One with Him.
Charity, our love for God or the first great commandment must be our core focus at all times or seeking “the mysteries” will be the very worst of distractions, literally defeating their very purpose (Jacob 4:14).
We must hold to the iron rod and seek this “tree of life” by mentally submitting our mind to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in and for all things, done through constant mental prayer to the Father in the name of the Son.
Progression on the path, holding to the iron rod or being led by the Holy Spirit IS literal steps of faith and each new hand hold on the rod IS new wisdom obtained. Our knowledge increases because the closer we get to our goal, “the tree of life” the better we can see and comprehend it. Wisdom IS the ability to hold on to the rod as we progress and knowledge is the view that continues to expand the closer we get to “the love of God”, even Jesus Christ. (1 Nephi 11)
The path of the Holy Spirit leads us on a perfectly balanced way of the two, wisdom and knowledge. Always leading us in progression but never allowing us to stall or obtain too much of one, without the other. The Spirit never distracts us from our end goal, partaking of the tree of life, the love of God.
When we seek after knowledge without the Spirit then we can be distracted and detour off the correct path. We must repent, which is the ability and gift to reset back onto ”wisdom’s path”. It is called this because only by the path of the Spirit guiding (or the path with the iron rod) can we maintain and progress in both knowledge AND wisdom simultaneously.
The true mysteries of God are found only in the right order along the rod of iron, moment to moment. The mysteries will edify and uplift us, they’ll be steps in our ultimate goal, becoming one with God’s love. However… we must, must remember if we seek mysteries not by the Spirit they’ll only be wasted side paths, distractions and delays from the straight, narrow and plain way.
We must constantly check ourselves with mental prayers to the Father in Christ’s name at the speed of thought.
It’s possible to align all thoughts, words and actions with God’s will by mental prayer I believe. This fulfills Christ’s command to “be ye therefore perfect” (Matt. 5:48).
In closing, the greatest mysteries for each of us will not be some external Holy Grail found outside of ourselves, it won’t be found in books or things or even from great spiritual mentors. They’ll come from within, when we unlock the true power of our own body and temple and the abilities of our hearts and minds. When the Holy Spirit makes our temple it’s dwelling then lifetimes of wisdom and knowledge will begin to be unveiled from God Himself as we become One with Him.
Mastering our mind and heart by submitting them to the One True Master through His Holy Spirit will lead us to the greatest treasure of all, His love. In doing so along the way it will be necessary that the Spirit helps us obtain all faith, mysteries, knowledge and wisdom so that we can comprehend His love more perfectly, for it is the living waters, beyond comprehension is its sweetness and pure is it’s joy. Moroni 7:44
1 Corinthians 13:2
1 Nephi 8, 11
2 Nephi 26:30

” Sir Galahad’s Discovery of the Holy Grail ” by Edwin Austin Abbey