I have already gotten a bunch of comments pointing this out – but I had already snagged this off a FB feed.  We are indeed ripe – the only question I have is when will the hammer fall.  Economically, socially and spiritually.  Along the spiritual lines, I have been feeling for some time now a certain edginess in friends, family and just across the board.  It is my opinion that the Spirit is being pulled or has been pulled from off the face of the earth – leading to utter chaos and desolation when the final constructs of civility are pulled out and we are left to ourselves – a desolation.

For this purpose, we have been prepared by the Brethren to focus on charity, love and our inner selves.  Our wells will have to be deep in order to survive what is coming down the pike.  I am gaining a testimony that there is a need for a callout.  As Brigham Young once said, there would be no way to tell a Mormon from a non-Mormon in the last days (paraphrased) because the people would no longer be so distinct (as they try to mirror babylon and fit in with the world) and that our communities would become watered down with people who did not share our values.

A friend pointed this out to me: Look at today on the Hebrew Calendar. And then look on the same calendar, same date, two years ago. Both the 9th and the 17th of Tammuz are days of mourning on the Jewish Calendar due to the Babylonians (on the 9th) and the Romans (on the 17th) breaching the walls of Jerusalem on the way to destroy the Temple (which happened on the 9th of Av on both occasions). Also look at 27 June 1844 (date of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith) and you will also find it fell the day after the 9th of Tammuz. This was NOT the destruction of the Jewish nation, but it paved the way to the destruction of the Jewish nation. It is a day of mourning.
Today’s SCOTUS ruling concerning Same Sex Marriage fell on the 9th of Tammuz. The walls have been breached.

from THE WOOD ZONE http://ift.tt/1KgRQdZ