This is absolutely amazing….:

And, let us not forget (those of us, that is, who are so well endowed with intellect and surety of knowledge of all things; that know that there is no God); let those smart ones among us just tout that we know with utter certainty, and that this proves it, that we are the only ones out there.  This, because we KNOW that if there are others who look like us, that it could not be a random coincidence that they would climb out of the primordial muck in the same manner as we did on our random little space marble…..
Yep, I struggle with the utter stupidity and foolishness of man.  How puny of mind these “intellectuals” are.  Whether they seek to put the counsels of God at naught as given through Prophets, Seers and Revelators – or whether it is simply the thick headedness of not being able to see the complexity and grandiosity of all things around us and immediately come to a humility of heart and a bitterness of soul for having shunned the truth over their own wills that are in defiance of a Just God.
Folks – if you are actually in this state of mind, I tell you that your days of probation are short for this world and you WILL find your spirit separated from your body and you WILL find yourself at one point at the judgment bar acknowledging that His ways are just and right.  Why not repent now?  Why do you continue to strain at the gnat and swallow the camel?  Why do you kick against the pricks any longer?  Will you not turn to Christ and be healed of all that ails you?  Why will you not choose that which brings peace and overwhelming love to your soul?  The time is short.  NOW is the time.  You have nothing to lose, but your souls.  Do not lose them.


This is absolutely amazing….:

And, let us not forget (those of us, that is, who are so well endowed with intellect and surety of knowledge of all things; that know that there is no God); let those smart ones among us just tout that we know with utter certainty, and that this proves it, that we are the only ones out there.  This, because we KNOW that if there are others who look like us, that it could not be a random coincidence that they would climb out of the primordial muck in the same manner as we did on our random little space marble…..
Yep, I struggle with the utter stupidity and foolishness of man.  How puny of mind these “intellectuals” are.  Whether they seek to put the counsels of God at naught as given through Prophets, Seers and Revelators – or whether it is simply the thick headedness of not being able to see the complexity and grandiosity of all things around us and immediately come to a humility of heart and a bitterness of soul for having shunned the truth over their own wills that are in defiance of a Just God.
Folks – if you are actually in this state of mind, I tell you that your days of probation are short for this world and you WILL find your spirit separated from your body and you WILL find yourself at one point at the judgment bar acknowledging that His ways are just and right.  Why not repent now?  Why do you continue to strain at the gnat and swallow the camel?  Why do you kick against the pricks any longer?  Will you not turn to Christ and be healed of all that ails you?  Why will you not choose that which brings peace and overwhelming love to your soul?  The time is short.  NOW is the time.  You have nothing to lose, but your souls.  Do not lose them.