Wow – I think we might have to consider this spring for much to happen if there is a callout.  I have no testimony of one, other than I think it will happen.  The lack of testimony is not due to lack of faith as much as it might be due to a lack of relevance.  I am in a callout area and I have taken a different path than most.

Here is what I saw on FB:

Friday, March 11, 2016 is also known as 1 Adar II, 5776 in the Jewish reckoning

  • Plague of Darkness (1313 BCE)
    The 9th plague to strike the Egyptians for their refusal to release the Children of Israel from slavery — a thick darkness that blanketed the land so that “no man saw his fellow, and no man could move from his place” (Exodus 10:23) — commenced on the 1st of Adar, SIX WEEKS BEFORE THE EXODUS. Sounds like we are leaving in the Spring after all 
     “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world “. (Matthew 13:34-3)

  •  Excellent research on the dates, ______! I find it no small thing that the Lord led the Children of Israel out of Egypt on that day during the 50th, 50th Jubilee after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. We are now on the 50th, 50th Jubilee since the Children of Israel were expelled from Babylon (had the largest hanging garden and was one of the wonders of the world at the time). Could it be, that the Lord is doubling down on patterns to teach us all a clear parable/lesson – that we are “IN IT”?  If I were a betting man, any callout where the people of God were taken into the wilderness and dwelt in their tents, it would be along those dates. I cannot say I have a witness of it, but 1 Adar just may be our baby. 
    This IS bloggable! (last paragraph, my commentary)


Wow – I think we might have to consider this spring for much to happen if there is a callout.  I have no testimony of one, other than I think it will happen.  The lack of testimony is not due to lack of faith as much as it might be due to a lack of relevance.  I am in a callout area and I have taken a different path than most.

Here is what I saw on FB:

Friday, March 11, 2016 is also known as 1 Adar II, 5776 in the Jewish reckoning

  • Plague of Darkness (1313 BCE)
    The 9th plague to strike the Egyptians for their refusal to release the Children of Israel from slavery — a thick darkness that blanketed the land so that “no man saw his fellow, and no man could move from his place” (Exodus 10:23) — commenced on the 1st of Adar, SIX WEEKS BEFORE THE EXODUS. Sounds like we are leaving in the Spring after all 
     “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world “. (Matthew 13:34-3)

  •  Excellent research on the dates, ______! I find it no small thing that the Lord led the Children of Israel out of Egypt on that day during the 50th, 50th Jubilee after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. We are now on the 50th, 50th Jubilee since the Children of Israel were expelled from Babylon (had the largest hanging garden and was one of the wonders of the world at the time). Could it be, that the Lord is doubling down on patterns to teach us all a clear parable/lesson – that we are “IN IT”?  If I were a betting man, any callout where the people of God were taken into the wilderness and dwelt in their tents, it would be along those dates. I cannot say I have a witness of it, but 1 Adar just may be our baby. 
    This IS bloggable! (last paragraph, my commentary)